
Mission' magazine presents its 2022 Awards

Ten initiatives and people related to the promotion of the family, life and Christian beliefs, have received this week at the Francisco de Vitoria University in Madrid the 2022 awards of the magazine 'Mission', in a gala that took place in a festive atmosphere.

Francisco Otamendi-October 14, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes
mission awards

Family photo of the 2022 Mission Magazine award winners.

The initiatives and personalities honored this year were the John Paul II Rescue Workers (Marta Velarde); Puy du Fou Spain (José Ramón Molinero); Manuel Martínez-Sellés (College of Doctors of Madrid); the "Vivan los padres" campaign of the Catholic Association of Propagandists (ACdP) (Pablo Velasco); the "Proyecto Nosotras" of Dale una Vuelta (Blanca Elía); the documentary 'Soy Fuego, la vida del padre Henry' (Father Brian Jackson); the 11 pm Rosary (Belén Perales); the filmmaker Juan Manuel Cotelo (Sofía Cotelo); the Xacobeo 2021-2022 (Javier Vázquez Prado); and the movie Father's Heart (Andrés Garrigó).

At the beginning of the gala of the magazine, which has more than 60,000 subscribers throughout Spain, and 14 years of life, the rector of the University Francisco de Vitoria, Daniel Sada, congratulated 'Mission' and recalled that the institution has always been closely linked and committed to the magazine since its inception.

"This publication still seems to us to be a miracle that falls into the category of the improbable, as it continues to be published every year, maintaining the quality it has and representing not only a good proposal for families, but for society as a whole. In 'Mission' you lend yourselves to the improbable things that God suddenly intends to do in our lives," said Daniel Sada.

To the award winners: "You give us back hope".

Isabel Molina Estrada, director of the publication, thanked all the award-winning initiatives and said: "Sometimes it seems that faith is extinguished, but you give us back hope. Together with the award winners from other years, you show us that the Gospel is alive, that Christ continues to stir up conversions every day and set the world on fire.

Linked to the Francisco de Vitoria University, the Regnum Christi movement and the Legionaries of Christ, 'Misión' is a generalist, quarterly, Catholic-inspired publication, focused on the family public, with more than 400,000 readers, and one hundred percent free of charge, according to its promoters.

Javier Cereceda L.C., territorial director of the Legionaries of Christ in Spain, made a call to work united within the Church. "May the Lord grant us not to lose heart in this world, to continue proudly showing our face for Him, it is fully worth it. Thanks to those who already do it, often with the contempt of the world, often in ignorance, but always united and in the Church. Thanks to those who work from this magazine so that we can be a small focus of union of so many efforts in the Church", he said.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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