The Vatican

The Pope explains the prayer of thanksgiving

The Holy Father Francis held the last general audience of this year, in which he continued with the catechesis on prayer.

David Fernández Alonso-December 30, 2020-Reading time: 2 minutes

On this occasion, the Pope has focused on the prayer of thanksgivingusing the passage where Jesus heals ten lepers, but only one returns to thank and praise God for the grace received.

The Eucharist, thanksgiving

"For us Christians, -says Francisco- the giving of thanks has given name to the most essential Sacrament there is: the Eucharist.". Continuing along these lines, the Pope explains that precisely the Greek word Eucharist means that, thanksgiving. He then develops a series of reflections around gratitude, starting from the first reason for which we are indebted: the gift of life.

To dilate the heart before the coming of the Savior

Encountering and dealing with Jesus leads us to broaden our sense of gratitude. "This "grace", which the Christian shares with everyone, is extended in the encounter with Jesus. The Gospels testify that the passage of Jesus often gives rise to joy and praise to God in those who encounter him.". In fact, the Christmas stories are permeated with people with this heart dilated by the arrival of the Savior: "And we too have been called to participate in this immense exultation.".

Joy, fruit of prayer

The Pope encourages us to foster this encounter with Jesus, that leads us to true joy and deep. "Let us try to be always in the joy of the encounter with Jesus. We cultivate joy. However, the devil, after having deceived us, always leaves us sad and alone. If we are in Christ, no sin and no threat can ever prevent us from continuing our journey with joy, together with so many companions on our journey.".

Finally, the Holy Father encourages us to never stop giving thanks. "If we are bearers of gratitude, the world also becomes better, maybe just a little, but it is enough to transmit a little hope. Everything is united and connected, and everyone can do his or her part wherever he or she is. The path to happiness is the one that St. Paul described at the end of one of his letters: "The path to happiness is the one that St. Paul described at the end of one of his letters: "Pray constantly. In everything give thanks, For this is what God, in Christ Jesus, wants from you. Do not extinguish the Spirit"."

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