
Athletes for Life launches popular races on June 27th

On the last Sunday of June, physical and virtual races will take place in Valdebebas Park in Madrid and throughout Spain, in which athletes and families will celebrate their commitment to life.

Rafael Miner-April 26, 2021-Reading time: 4 minutes
athletes for life

The platform Athletes for Life and FamilyThe organization, chaired by Javier Jáuregui, has called a great popular race in Valdebebas (Madrid) on June 27, with the aim of demonstrating that athletes are willing to give the best of themselves in favor of nascent and suffering human life, from conception to natural death.

The races Deportistas por la vida, respecting the health conditions due to Covid-19, will have two modalities: one with physical presence, with a maximum of 500 runners, and a circuit of 5 or 10 km. in the Valdebebas Park in Madrid, and other virtual ones, with unlimited runners in any city and with a free route also between 5 and 10 km. In both modalities they will wear the t-shirt of the platform Sí a la vida, on its tenth anniversary.

Athletes and families wishing to participate in the popular races, in both modalities, have more information about the races at

Registration can be done by on this website.

There will also be a 0 bib for support, at a price of 5 euros, as can be seen on the website. The godmother of honor of the race will be Isabel de Gregorio, widow of the first director of INEF Madrid, José María Cagigal.

Athletes' Manifesto

In the Manifesto to be read in Valdebebas, the athletes affirm their "commitment and loyalty to life; they underline their desire for life to be "exalted, encouraged and protected in any circumstance, situation or period of life", and defend it "as lovers and practitioners of physical activity and sport, as descendants of our parents or caregivers, who gave us life and the opportunity to experience and improve our human qualities thanks to sport".

The text of the Manifesto continues as follows:

"Because we want Life to be exalted, encouraged and protected in any circumstance, situation or period of Life.

Because we believe that Life must be defended against inappropriate rules that want to end the Life of those who cannot defend themselves due to their innocence, physical or mental condition.

Because the act of being born is the first sporting gesture performed by the human being, after the long period of learning, of training, in the maternal womb.

Because the cry of the newborn, when he or she comes out into earthly life, is a cry of overcoming, of effort and illusion. Like an athlete.

Because a personal misfortune is not a reason to prevent a Life. Neither is a disability.

Because from Plato, Newton or Usain Bolt, we are all disabled.

Spanish athletes, and all those who wish to adhere to this manifesto for Life, commit ourselves to defend the Life of those who have less material and social means and personal capacities".


Accordingly, the protesters ask:

"To Spanish women and men: Do not be afraid to be parents: be daring. You will win the only gold medal that deserves to be won in Life. You will wear it around your neck, close to your heart, for the rest of your days. But, above all, share your Life with a new being. Let him play and play with him".

"To Spanish public and private entities: To help the birth rate and unprotected mothers; so that children have the opportunity to be born in freedom, to move, without ties and without fear, through true gardens of fantasy and adventure".

(To be proclaimed on June 27th at the "Athletes for Life" race at Valdebebas Park in Madrid).

Those who wish to do so, can send their adhesion to this manifesto to the address of the first signatory indicating name and surname, sport, degree, city."

The first twenty signatories are José Javier Fernández Jáuregui ([email protected], whatsApp 629406454), Javier Arranz Albó, Fernando Bacher Buendia, Miguel Ángel Delgado Noguera, Manuela Fernández del Pozo, Leonor Gallardo Guerrero, Víctor García Blázquez, Mariano García-Verdugo Delmas, Francisco Gil Sánchez, Juan Pedro González Torcal, Manuel Guillén del Castillo, José Luis Hernández Vázquez, Javier Lasunción Ripa, Diego Medina Morales, Francisco Milán Collado, Juan Rodríguez López, Marc Roig Tió, Raúl Francisco Sebastián Solanes, Francisco Sehirul-lo Vargas, and Jordi Tarragó Scherk.

Sports and life

In this short video, the president of the platform, Javier Jáuregui, points out that the world of sport wants to put itself at the service of human life, and explains the popular races on June 27, and its commitment to life:

"The race is directed from and towards the world of sport, and is promoted by athletes (of whatever party or religion they may be...)," explains Jáuregui. "As you can see, the Manifesto of the athletes is aimed at sports professionals, and the race's honorary godmother will be Isabel de Gregorio, widow of the first director of INEF Madrid, José María Cagigal."

"The Race for Life is like an extension of the events of the 10th anniversary of the activity of the Yes to Life Platform," he adds. "Sunday, June 27 will be a day of unity among all pro-life associations in Spain, a day of sport, a day of health, a day of joy for the new lives that are on the way."

Also in European capitals

The organizers hope that at least a thousand people will be virtually associated with this race, running in their own cities on the same date with the same T-shirt, giving testimony of their commitment to life and family.

In addition, in order to continue promoting the defense of nascent life, the purpose of the platform is to disseminate this race in different European capitals. Contact has been made with the North American association Liferunners.

This group of pro-life runners currently has more than 16,150 members and is located in 39 countries. They started in 2008 with 12 runners in four states, and over the years they have grown. The first team of runners created in Spain is in Barcelona.

Short story contest

To give more visibility to the virtual race, the organization has launched a short story contest on the following topics The gift of life and sportThe simple rules can be consulted at here.

The aim is to pay tribute to the caregivers of the most fragile life by collecting short stories inspired by the world of sports and the vulnerability of human life. Its length may not exceed three pages written on one side only, single-spaced, in 11-point font, and people of any nationality may participate with original and unpublished stories. The admission of texts begins on April 27 and ends on June 7, 2021. The winning story will be read during the physical race at the Valdebebas Park in Madrid.

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