The Vatican

Altar servers: the young face of the Church

In a meeting of more than 50,000 altar servers with Pope Francis, the pontiff stressed the importance of serving in the Eucharist, where God is made truly and concretely present in the Body and Blood of Christ.

José M. García Pelegrín-July 31, 2024-Reading time: 3 minutes
Altar servers the young face of the Church

Meeting of the Pope with the altar boys. Lola Gomez/OSV

"Thank you for coming here, as pilgrims, to share the joy of belonging to Jesus, of being servants of his Love, servants of his wounded Heart that heals our wounds, that saves us from death, that gives us eternal life". With these words, Pope Francis addressed the more than 50,000 altar servers from 88 dioceses in 20 countries around the world who are participating in the "XIII International Altar Servers Pilgrimage". 

The Holy Father encouraged young people to keep "in your heart and flesh, like Mary, the mystery of God who is with you, so that you can be with others in a new way." 

The meeting with the Pope was the highlight of the pilgrimage, which runs from July 29 to August 3. It is organized by the International Association of Altar Servers, Coetus Internationalis Ministrantium (CIM), founded in November 1960 in Altenberg, near Cologne. The event is held every four to five years, although this year's edition, initially scheduled for 2023, was postponed due to the COVID pandemic. The vast majority of participants come from Germany: in the previous edition, in 2018, of the 68,000 altar servers 48,000 were German; this time, the Germans were about 35,000, ranging in age from 13 to 27.

In his address to the young people, Pope Francis spoke about the pilgrimage's motto, "With you", considering it very meaningful because it links the mystery of life and love in a single word. The Pope explained that this "with you" takes on new meanings when the acolytes perform their service in the liturgy, where the protagonist is God. Quoting Jesus, he recalled: "Where there are two or three gathered in my Name, I am present in their midst". He stressed that this is fulfilled in a supreme way in the Eucharist, where the "with you" becomes the real and concrete presence of God in the Body and Blood of Christ. The Pope emphasized that both priests and acolytes are witnesses to this mystery, and that in receiving Holy Communion, we can experience that Jesus is "with us" spiritually and physically.

According to the Pope, this "with you" can also be offered to others, to fulfill the commandment to love one another as he has loved us: "You too can say to your neighbor 'I am with you' not with words, but with deeds, with gestures, with your heart, with concrete closeness: weeping with those who weep, rejoicing with those who rejoice, without judgment or prejudice, without closure, without exclusion. Also with you, who I do not like; with you, who are different from me; with you, who are a foreigner; with you, even if I feel that you do not understand me; with you, who never go to Church; with you, who say that you do not believe in God".

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, Archbishop of Luxembourg and current president of the CIM, addressed the Holy Father on behalf of the altar servers present: "We want to be friends with all people, but this desire is only effective when we extend a hand to those who are going through problems. Cultivating a friendship with God helps us to cultivate friendship with the poorest," he said. Representatives from the 20 countries present carried handfuls of incense to a large censer to remind them of the difficulties faced by young people around the world, such as disease, war, indifference in their homes and lack of opportunities.

In addition to the meeting with the Pope, the young people participate in daily Mass and attend formation meetings, specifically catechism classes, as well as concerts, workshops and meetings. The motto of the 2024 pilgrimage, "With You," is based on Isaiah 41:10: "Fear not, for I am with you." The CIM board emphasized that without altar servers something crucial is missing in the Church, and that their witness in service and in daily life is fundamental. With the altar servers, the Church is fulfilled in the world, celebrating worship, being community and giving witness.

Johannes Wübbe, Auxiliary Bishop and Apostolic Administrator of the currently vacant Diocese of Osnabrück, is one of the organizers of the meeting, in his capacity as president of "Commission XII - Youth" of the German Bishops' Conference. Wübbe emphasized the significance of the motto "With You", which includes a triple promise: the biblical promise of God, the promise of the Church to the altar servers and the promise of the altar servers to God and the Church. He also said he is "proud of the courageous example of these young people," who are the young face of the Church, because "with their commitment, which takes many forms, they are present where the Church lives and are joyful witnesses to the Gospel despite all the questions and doubts they may have."

The International Altar Boys' Pilgrimage is one of the biggest youth pastoral events of the Church in Germany.

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