
Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza repeats his presidency of the Catholic Association of Propagandists.

Bullón de Mendoza has been reelected as president of the Catholic Association of Propagandists (ACdP) during the IV Extraordinary General Assembly of the association.

Maria José Atienza-July 9, 2022-Reading time: < 1 minute
bullon de mendoza

Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza will continue, in the next four years, to head the ACdP and the works of the Association: the San Pablo CEU University Foundation, the Abat Oliba Foundation, the San Pablo Andalucía CEU Foundation, the Colegio Mayor Universitario San Pablo and the Ángel Herrera Oria Cultural Foundation.

Under his first mandate, the ACdP has given a key boost to its public dimension with initiatives such as the relaunching of the digital journal The Debate or the launching of nationwide communication campaigns, such as Vividores o Canceled. Evangelization in public life is a fundamental element of the charism of the Catholic Association of Propagandists

Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza holds a PhD in History from the Complutense University of Madrid and is a professor at the CEU San Pablo University. He has served as rector of the CEU Cardenal Herrera University (2004-2007) and of the CEU San Pablo University (2007-2009). Since 2009, he has directed the CEU Institute of Historical Studies and the contemporary history journal 'Aportes'. He is also a full member of the Royal Academy of Doctors and a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of History, the Portuguese Academy of History and the Royal Sevillian Academy of Belles Lettres. 

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