
A series of lectures will address parent-child relationships

"Connect emotionally with your children" is the title of this first session of the cycle in which various aspects of the educational, relational, family, etc. will be discussed.      

Maria José Atienza-June 28, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
connects children

The sessions, which will be held online, are organized by Sabadell Religious Institutions and Third Sector and Edelvives Foundation and will begin this Thursday with the participation of Carmen Guaita.                                                                         
The first session, led by a Philosophy graduate, writer and teacher, will focus on the importance of having a good connection with your children, allowing them to feel safe, loved and respected, and to have confidence in themselves.

The conference, open to all who wish to attend, will begin at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 1, 2021. Registration and follow-up of the conference can be done through this link.

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