
Bishop Asenjo: "I will tell my successor to dedicate time to the Brotherhoods".

ADVANCE - The Archbishop of Seville has granted an interview to Omnes in which he recounts in detail much of his life and of which we offer a small preview. 

Maria José Atienza-April 17, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute

In an interview with Omneswhich will be published in its entirety on Sunday, April 18, the Archbishop of Seville, Bishop Juan José Asenjospoke about his work in the Secretariat of the Episcopal Conference, his time in the see of Cordoba and, very extensively, his years as head of the Church of Seville. In the interview, the Archbishop also gives a few hints about the figure of his successor in the see of Seville.

Bishop Asenjo will stay in Seville, "except in summer when, because of the heat, I will go up to Sigüenza". A sign of the affection he has for the Andalusian land and that, despite the hard beginnings "in which there were those who spread the falsehood that he did not love the Andalusians", is reciprocated: "the Sevillians tell me that they are happy that I stay here".

Asenjo, who has asked the Holy See to accelerate his succession, is happy with the work done in recent years in Seville, in which he highlights the Seminary, the work of delegations such as family or migrations or the erection of the Faculty of Theology "that Seville deserved".

The role and strength of the Brotherhoods and Confraternities is, evidently, one of the topics that the Archbishop of Seville talks about in this interview. Referring to the Brotherhoods, which he considers a "great dam against secularization", he emphasizes his conviction that "to despise the Brotherhoods is too arrogant and unintelligent a posture". In this sense, he launches a statement for the future: "I will always tell my successor to love the Brotherhoods, to appreciate them, to know them and to dedicate time to them".

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