
A liberal education

Santiago Leyra recommends reading A liberal educationby José María Torralba

Santiago Leyra Curiá-May 7, 2022-Reading time: < 1 minute
a liberal education


TitleA liberal education
AuthorJosé María Torralba
Pages: 174
Editorial: Encounter
City: Madrid
Year: 2022

Suggestive and entertaining book by Professor José María Torralba. Throughout its pages, he explains the keys of the intellectual movement that both in Europe and America has proposed to repair the academic, cultural and institutional damage suffered by humanistic education at the University.

Without being paralyzed by sterile laments about the fate of the humanities in our time, the author conveys his experience of how it is possible and desirable to implement concrete and non-utopian measures to fill the educational gaps of the new generations. In this sense, the Great Books programs are a key part of this movement.

Humanities subjects for all students and not for a select and dwindling minority: this is the objective of the Core Curriculum projects. The author includes an interesting mention to the fact that it has been precisely Universities of Christian inspiration (in fact, every University is one in origin) that are recovering the humanist tradition of education in order to prevent it from becoming a mere issuer of technical degrees.

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