
Torreciudad celebrates Family Day in spite of the rain

The weather conditions forced to celebrate the events inside the temple of Torreciudad. In spite of this, about 3000 people attended this traditional appointment with the Virgin whose central mass, for the second consecutive year, was presided by the bishop of Barbastro-Monzón.

Maria José Atienza-September 21, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes
32nd Marian Family Day in Torreciudad-2

Hundreds of families have come to the Marian Journey of the Family of Torreciudad in its 32nd edition. A day marked by rain and bad weather, which was not an obstacle to celebrate this traditional day at the Marian temple of Torreciudad

Ángel Pérez Pueyo, bishop of Barbastro Monzón, was in charge of presiding over the Mass for the families, which this year was celebrated inside the church erected in 1975.

During the homily, the bishop highlighted how "in a world that seems to be increasingly fragmented, the family becomes a space for reconstruction, to love, forgive and serve".

Taking as an analogy the building that has sheltered thousands of people from the rain, Pérez Pueyo has pointed out that the family "is the sanctuary of the ordinary where, without making noise, the greatest things are done. In the little things of everyday life, at work, in moments of sharing, in difficulties and joys, God is at work. If we are capable of rediscovering the value of the simple, if we learn to love and serve in our own home, we will already be beginning to transform the world.

During the celebration, a message was also read out by the Pope Francis sent to the participants of the Day in which the pontiff encouraged to take care of the home as "the first place where everyone learns to love and relate to others from the experience of being loved" and encouraged families to face together "the moments of adversity" and to witness with their lives the "beauty of faith in Christ".

Due to the weather, the scene of the offering of flowers and fruits was changed, as well as that of a numerous offering of children to the Virgin of Torreciudad. At noon, the Alborada Choir The afternoon, the participants prayed the rosary and received the blessing with the Blessed Sacrament.

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