
Transmitting the legacy of faith, the focus of the 24th Catholics and Public Life Congress

While last year, the CEU congress addressed political correctness, along with the analysis, for example, of the culture of cancellation and the woke movement, with a notable echo in public opinion, this year it will look positively with proposals around faith and the transmission of a legacy, advanced its director, Rafael Sanchez Saus.

Francisco Otamendi-June 28, 2022-Reading time: 3 minutes

Photo: Rafael Sánchez Saus ©CEU

The director of the Catholics and Public Life CongressRafael Sánchez Saus, has advanced some details of the 24th edition of this congress to be held on November 18, 19 and 20, 2022, at the Moncloa campus of the CEU San Pablo University, under the title 'We propose faith. We transmit a legacy'.

As always, the congress will also analyze the events that are happening in our time, and will look at the United States, on the occasion of the recent decision of the Supreme Courtwhich has stated that the U.S. Constitution does not grant or contain a "right" to abortion, and returns the decision to "the people" and their "elected representatives", that is, to the government of each state. This is a "triumph" for the pro-life movement in the United States, and it will be analyzed, said Rafael Sánchez Saus in an informal meeting with journalists.

The congress will also look towards Eastern Europe and the Ukraine warand what is happening there, and will allocate "all proceeds from registration and masses, as has been done on previous occasions, to campaigns aimed at Ukraine, specifically Aid to the Church in Need," added Sánchez Saus.

Response to ideologies

The director of the Congress also pointed out that the November meeting summarizes the response that Catholics of our time could give to today's world in the face of ideologies. "The faith that we propose is faith in Jesus Christ, God and man, creator and redeemer, and in the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church, which has made him known to us".

In his opinion, "the legacy we must pass on is the one we received from our fathers and they from theirs, that of a civilization that was founded on radically new principles in the history of mankind".

In this sense, Sánchez Saus assured that "we have the right and the duty to receive, increase and project this immense spiritual, moral and cultural legacy, of which we are heirs, without diminution or reduction".

He also appealed to a legacy that "must certainly be updated to respond with new ideas and solutions to the problems of today and the immediate future, many of them derived from the anthropological subversion imposed on us by ideologies and their powerful terminals, from the loss of meaning and the emptying of life for the sake of hedonism and consumption".

The director of the Congress has not revealed, for the moment, the speakers for the next congress. meetingHowever, he added that there will be "a group of top-level international speakers and a group of experts in different interdisciplinary fields, from education and the family to history, economics and law, among others, who will lead the workshops in which the congress participants will be able to deepen their knowledge according to their area of interest in an atmosphere of dialogue".

The November congress will focus on "a formative and constructive experience that should strengthen our fully apostolic will to contribute to the existence of a more Christian and, therefore, more human world", emphasized Rafael Sánchez Saus.

Ideology woke

As will be recalled, in November of last year, the Catholics and Public Life Congress addressed the phenomenon of the Political correctness. Freedoms in dangerwith the analysis of the culture of cancellation and the woke movement.

Among other thinkers and specialists, the French philosopher and professor emeritus of the Sorbonne attended the congress, Rémi BragueFor him, what is at stake with the culture of cancellation is "our relationship with the past", and we must choose "between forgiveness and condemnation".

Rémi Brague, who proposed "recovering our capacity to forgive," also gave an interview to Omnes.

At today's meeting, the proceedings of the 23rd Congress, last year's, on political correctness, prepared by CEU Ediciones, were handed out. The Catholics and Public Life Congress, organized by the Catholic Association of Propagandists and its partner, the San Pablo CEU University Foundation, "aims to provide a framework for meeting and reflection for all Catholics and people of good will who are interested in ensuring that the light of the Gospel illuminates all aspects of life, both in its personal and social dimensions.

At the last Congress there were 1,063 registered participants, a figure that had never been reached before, almost 1,700 online followers, and a presence in 115 media outlets, 26 of them international, said Rafael Sánchez Saus, who highlighted the growth of the media impact in recent years.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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