Pope Francis is celebrating 12 years at the head of the Catholic Church. Throughout this time, he has published many letters and documents, addressed hundreds of speeches to a wide variety of audiences and left "snapshots" for everyone, everyone, everyone.
- "The Lord never tires of forgiving, it is we who tire of asking his forgiveness" (Homily at Holy Mass on March 17, 2013).
- "True power is service" (Homily of the beginning of the Pontificate, March 19, 2013)
- "The joy of the Gospel fills the heart and the whole life of those who meet Jesus" (Apostolic Exhortation "Evangelii Gaudium")
- "We can all collaborate as God's instruments for the care of creation, each one from his or her culture, experience, initiatives and abilities" (Encyclical "Laudato si'")
- "The family is a factory of hope, of hope for life and resurrection" (Speech of the Holy Father on the Feast of Families, September 26, 2015).
- A Church with closed doors betrays itself and its mission, and instead of being a bridge, it becomes a barrier" (Homily from the Holy Mass at the opening of the XIV General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, October 4, 2015).
- "Forgiveness is the most visible sign of the Father's love, which Jesus willed to reveal throughout his life" (Apostolic Letter "Misericordia et misera")
- "The hope of the world is Christ, and his Gospel is the most powerful leaven of fraternity, freedom, justice and peace for all peoples" (General Audience September 11, 2019)
- "The Social Doctrine of the Church is not just theory, but can become a virtuous way of life with which to grow societies worthy of man" (Speech to the members of the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation, June 5, 2023)
- "If God calls you by name it means that to God none of us is a number" (Speech of the Holy Father at the welcoming ceremony of WYD Lisbon, August 3, 2023)
- "Our heart is not self-sufficient; it is fragile and wounded" (Encyclical "Dilexit Nos")
- "There is no true peace if religious freedom is not also guaranteed, which implies respect for the conscience of individuals and the possibility of publicly manifesting one's faith and belonging to a community" (Speech to the members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See, January 9, 2025)