
A million minutes a day with Jesus

The initiative 10 minutes with Jesus has reached 100,000 subscribers on its YouTube channel. Every day, more than 200,000 people directly receive these short meditations, which are already available in 5 languages.

Maria José Atienza-December 30, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
10 minutes with jesus

10 minutes, 100,000 subscribers on YoutubeIn total, 1 million minutes of prayer from hundreds of thousands of people around the world. What was born almost by chance from the hand of several young priests in August 2018, has reached, in just over three years to all countries of the world, in 5 languages.

Every day more than 200,000 people receive the meditation or listen to it through the various platforms on which it is broadcast. 10 minutes with Jesus is present. At present, meditations are conducted in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and German.

Its promoters have grown and there are now 60 priests who, each day, comment on a passage from the Gospel using current examples to highlight a central idea of Christian life. In the 10 minutes with Jesus the Gospel is proposed in a fresh, simple and attractive way.

Its promoters point to three key points in the expansion of this prayer initiative:

A need not covered until then, which was to make prayer anywhere and facilitating its realization through platforms known and used by all kinds of people.

A way of communicating that places at the center of the message the person of Jesus Christ and his Gospel without burdening, with a profound language, but without technicalities and from the hand of a priest who himself is praying while speaking to the "you" who listens to the 10 minutes.

In fact, what started to spread through Whatsapphas reached a diffusion and growth so large that a structure had to be designed to sustain the growth. Today, meditations are sent through 340 Whatsapp groups (more than 80,000 unique devices) and YouTube views are close to 18 million.  

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