Integral ecology

Everything they don't want you to know about the Catholic Church

It is easier to focus on the bad than on the good, which is why we often overlook all the good that the Church brings to society through the efforts of Catholics around the world, from Pope Francis to the laity in remote villages.

Paloma López Campos-September 13, 2024-Reading time: 4 minutes

Every now and then, a controversial news item about the Catholic Church makes the headlines. In many cases, the information in the news is loaded with facts that damage the image of this institution. Abuses, confusing texts, frauds... There are real stories that tarnish the name of the Body of Christ.

However, there is a strange silence around all those positive things that the Church and its members do every day. There is no scale on which to balance the good with the bad, but it is safe to say that there are certain things about the Church that some people are not interested in publishing.

Caritas and its international work

For example, the work done by "Caritas"at the international level. According to the report published by this Catholic organization, in 2022 they helped more than two million people around the world in emergency situations. Investing some 81 million euros, "Caritas" brought aid to Ukraine, the Central African Republic, Pakistan, Syria and Venezuela, among other places.

Through its work, Caritas provides health care, helps rebuild areas destroyed by natural disasters or armed conflict, or meets the basic needs of millions of people around the world.

Their work is well known and there are testimonies in practically every country of people whose lives have improved thanks to the intervention of this Church organization.

Pope Francis and attention to the poor

The Pope often mentions the poor. However, his concern is not only in words. The Pontiff has a multitude of initiatives to help people with few resources.

From showers set up in the Vatican, to a priest and a legion of volunteers who distribute food around Rome, to the meals the Holy Father organizes for the poor in his own dining room.

It is common for the media to criticize Pope Francis, accusing him of talking but not acting. The truth is that the Church, led by Francis, is constantly providing resources to help the poor, migrants, the elderly and other vulnerable people around the world.

Christians who support other Christians

"Aid to the Church in need"is a pontifical foundation that assists the Catholic Church in its work. According to data published by the organization, some 6,000 projects in 150 countries benefit from its support.

"Aid to the Church in Need estimates that 62 % of the population lives in areas where there is no religious freedom. Through its work, this foundation supports the pastoral work of the Church in many countries. They allocate the financial contributions of their benefactors to the construction or repair of churches, to the formation of the laity in their faith, to the provision of means of transport for pastoral agents, etc.

Now, this is not the only organization in the Church that aims to care for other Catholics, but there are thousands of people who strive to support and sustain other members of the Body of Christ.

Education, a good for all

Historically, the Catholic Church has always tried to promote education. Although there have been occasions when there have been misunderstandings and clashes between the fields of science and faith, it is no less true that the Church has always wanted to protect and promote culture.

The number of educational institutions that depend on the Catholic Church is in the thousands, and the university world has a special relevance. In a 1994 note, the Dicastery for Culture and Education points out that "the University and, more broadly, university culture constitute a reality of decisive importance. Vital issues are at stake in their sphere, and profound cultural transformations, with disconcerting consequences, give rise to new challenges. The Church cannot fail to consider them in her mission of proclaiming the Gospel".

It is not surprising, therefore, that millions of people have access to culture and education thanks to the Catholic Church, which is present throughout the world and carries out educational activities in practically every country.

The Church says "yes" to life

The defense of life is a constant in the Church. Point 2258 of the Catechism states that "Human life is to be held sacred, because from its beginning it is the fruit of God's creative action and always remains in a special relationship with the Creator, its only end. God alone is Lord of life from its beginning to its end (...)".

Of course, this does not remain in the letter. The Church deploys institutions and resources to protect and promote life all over the world. From hospitals to homes for children without parents to institutions that help mothers in unfavorable situations, wherever there is a Catholic presence there is also a system that wants to care for life.

The data

To verify all this, it is enough to look at the data that, since Pope Francis arrived at the See of St. Peter, they try to publish with total transparency. In Omnes you can find several articles which breaks down and explains the numbers published by the Vatican.

Although they are not the most important thing, numbers always help to get a clear picture. Here is a significant figure: according to the latest published data, the Pope's charity financed 236 projects worth 45 million. Projects all over the world that help millions of people and are not talked about in the media.

Therein lies a large part of what they don't want you to know about the Catholic Church, which being made up of people has flaws, but also has members whose purpose is to care for others and love their neighbor.

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