
"We cannot enclose the Christian faith in the horizon of a single culture".

Giampietro Dal Toso, president of the Pontifical Missionary Works (PMO) and José María Calderón, director of the Pontifical Missionary Works of Spain, participated in the conference 'The Evangelizing Mission of the Church', held at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Navarra.

Maria José Atienza-March 10, 2022-Reading time: < 1 minute
Giampietro Dal Toso missions

Photo: Msgr. Giampietro Dal Toso ©UNAV

The president of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS), Monsignor Gianpietro Dal Toso, focused his presentation on the theological principles for missionary action and for the Pontifical Mission Societies.

On this subject, he explained that, in order to reach the mission, specifically the mission ad gentesIn addition, it is essential to have the Trinity as a starting point and to use four elements: dialogue, witness, proclamation and the founding of new churches.

The President of the Pontifical Mission Societies pointed out the need to avoid any ecclesiological reduction of the mission, "it is clear that the mission is also the work of the Church, but if the mission were only will, the work of the Church would be a model that could easily be exchanged and, above all, it would be limited to a purely temporal horizon of organization in this world. It is the Church that is at the disposal of this mission".

Dal Toso also wanted to focus his attention on the universality of the Word of God, whose purpose is that all men be saved, and explained that "there is no single culture for transmitting, conceiving and living the Gospel. We cannot confine the Christian faith within the horizon of a single culture, just as we cannot deny each culture the possibility of being enriched by the Christian faith.

For his part, José María Calderón explained the mission in the Church and its future perspective, and recalled that Spain has always been a land of missionaries: "To date, more than 10,000 Spaniards are on mission throughout the world.

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