
What the bishops say about the vocation of young people

The Spanish Episcopal Conference has convened a major congress on vocations in February 2025 in Madrid.

Javier García Herrería-January 20, 2025-Reading time: 3 minutes

The Spanish Episcopal Conference has convened a great congress on vocations in February 2025. It is an ambitious event, for which they have reserved the Madrid Arena, one of the most emblematic venues in the capital. The proposal of the Spanish bishops has as its motto "From I think, therefore I am, therefore I am called, therefore I live."This is to say that it departs from the Cartesian rationalism that has led us to the individualism in which we move, to invite an open reflection on Christian salvation based on God's love for each one of us. 

This congress follows in the wake of the Synod of Bishops held in Rome in 2018, which dealt with "young people, faith and vocational discernment". While it is true that the number of vocations to the priesthood and religious life is gradually decreasing, it is also true that in some contexts numerous vocations are emerging and living Christian communities are seen. 

The health of the World Youth Days could be one example, but there are also many others, such as the World Youth Day initiative FOCUS in the United States or the increase of vocations in many institutions faithful to the Magisterium.

The proposal of the Spanish bishops contains common ideas in many documents of the Church after the Second Vatican Council, for example, the universal call to holiness or that all pastoral work should be done in the key of vocation ministry, since it is not a separate and independent sector. However, some of the messages proclaimed by the bishops on pages 30-35 of the programmatic document of the congress, which can be seen on the Internet, are as follows (www.paraquiensoy.com)The new, to a large extent, clash with the contemporary mentality.

Countercultural proposals

-Childhood, adolescence and youth, times of growth, initiation and search, are privileged moments in life to discover the plan that God has drawn up for each one of us.

-Create a strong context of vocational culture, which facilitates generosity with God. The vocational culture makes it possible to perceive as a duty what has been discovered as a gift.

The cultural environment declares it almost impossible to make life-long decisions. However, the Christian proposal maintains that it is possible to understand freedom without separating it from a firm commitment.

-Flight from individualism. To understand life as a gift received that is fully realized by giving oneself to others. Vocation implies putting our abilities at the service of others. 

-The sexed body is a sign of the "evident vocation," to be male or female. We have been created to love and generate life.

Young people should know

-That we cannot have all certainties, but that we must learn to trust and replace calculation when making decisions with a trusting response to God. 

-Vocation - as it appears in Scripture - is a "long journey" that takes time to discover oneself and interpret God's call. 

Vocation is neither a "pre-written script" to be simply recited, nor a "theatrical improvisation without an outline", but an offer of grace that calls for man's free and creative interpretation. 

-The central question of discernment is not only "who am I" but "for whom am I", for what and for whom has the Lord created us, who is above all a Friend who demands us because he loves us. 

-Discernment is thus a "path of freedom", not a "new creation", but bringing out the best in oneself and making one's own being flourish, for the glory of God and for the good of others. 

On spiritual accompaniment

-The most urgent task of the companion is to put the person in a position to make a decision. 

-The companion must help the young person to discern his own vocation, to recognize and interpret God's passage through his life and to decide in freedom.

-This vocational accompaniment implies that spiritual directors make sacrifices to dedicate time to others. 

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