
Vocations from here and there: a constant need in the Church

The upcoming celebration of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations and the Day of Native Vocations highlights the commitment of the whole Church to those who respond to a special call from God.

Maria José Atienza-April 9, 2021-Reading time: 3 minutes
native vessels poster

On April 25, a joint celebration will be held of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations and Native Vocations Dayorganized by CEE, CONFER, CEDIS and the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS).

This day focuses, in a special way, on the work of the Pontifical Work of St. Peter the Apostle - one of the four Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) - which has been the Pope's instrument for over 130 years to channel the help of all Catholics in the world and support the formation of native vocations who, on many occasions, have serious difficulties to continue their formation due to economic problems.

"Who am I for?"

This was the theme chosen for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations and the Day of Native Vocations. A question taken up by Pope Francis in the Christus vivitMany times in life, we waste time asking ourselves: 'But who am I? And you can ask yourself who you are and spend a lifetime searching for who you are. But ask yourself: 'Who am I for?'". You are for God, no doubt. But He wanted you to be for others, too."

Union with Native vocations

The Day of Prayer for Vocations is celebrated in our country in conjunction with Native Vocations. In this way, it is intended that young people accept the possibility of the vocational call as a valid path of life and, in addition, that the Christian community and society in general promote vocations of special consecration with prayer and accompaniment, and finally to collaborate economically in the formation of vocations that arise in mission countries. As explained by OMP, "if it is important to dedicate at least one day to pray for vocations, a Christian -who necessarily has a Catholic, universal heart- cannot fail to think also of vocations in those countries where Christian life is beginning to become a reality".

Web, Prayer Vigil and Song for the Day

The promoters of this Day have planned several actions to publicize this day in our country. The first of these has been the launching of a own website in which various testimonies, prayer materials, the Pope's message for this Day and ways to collaborate with native vocations are collected.

On Saturday, April 10, the events surrounding this date will begin with the presentation of the song "Who am I for?The "Hakuna" group composed and performed by the group Hakuna and on the 24th is scheduled the broadcasting of a Prayer Vigil at 20.00h. through its YouTube channel.

The conference will be presented at a press conference on April 20.

Vocations in Spain and around the world

Currently, according to data from the Episcopal Commission for Clergy and Seminaries of the CEEIn the last year, there are 1,066 major seminarians in all the Spanish dioceses (62 less than the previous year) and 126 were ordained priests (2 more). And in the minor seminaries of our country there are 827 seminarians (last year there were 890), of whom 25 went to the major seminary (3 more than the previous year).

With regard to religious institutes and societies of apostolic life, according to the statistics of CONFER as of October 2020, its members number 37,286: 28,323 religious sisters, from 302 congregations (counting 659 juniors); and 8,963 religious, from 109 (with 260 juniors). This represents a decrease of 1,402 with respect to 2019. As a reality and hope for the future, 207 novices and 90 novices, not counted in the above-mentioned total.

As of January 2021, the figures for CEDISthe Spanish Conference of Secular Institutes, speak of 2,354 members (36 less than at the beginning of 2020). Of these institutes, 26 are of Spanish foundation, while another 14, founded outside our borders, have members present in our country.



Seminarians can pursue their studies and pay for their living expenses thanks to the Pontifical Work of St. Peter the Apostle

The Pontifical Work of St. Peter the Apostle

The Pontifical Work of St. Peter the Apostle is entrusted by the Holy See with the care of all seminaries in mission territories. It annually supports 76,759 seminarians (one out of every three seminarians in the world) and 8,094 novices in their first canonical year. In 2020, OMP Spain allocated almost 1.5 million euros to help 52 seminaries in 19 countries. This contribution benefited 3,535 seminarians and 183 formators. This money also contributed to the formation of around 500 novices.

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