
Being a good person does sell

They are young, have millions of followers on social networks such as TikTok or Instagram and, to a large extent, their engagement is due to their personal commitment and how they show, with total naturalness, human values that continue to attract everyone.

Maria José Atienza-March 23, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes

From left to right: Álvaro Blanco, Nacho Gil, the moderator of the table, Daniela Rodríguez and Tomás Páramo.

Nacho Gil (@Nachter) and Tomás Páramo (@tomasparamo) are well-known influencers. For them, social networks are not entertainment but a job in which their commitment and life values do not fall by the wayside.

This is what they shared at the round table "Influencer Marketing: Connecting Values", held at the Villanueva University In addition to them, agency managers Daniela Rodríguez, from the SoyOlivia agency, and Álvaro Blanco, from Native Talents, intervened "from the brands' side".

His accounts could be described as "white": no insults or adult scenes. A cleanliness and a naturalness that is, in the midst of the world of social networks, an added value, increasingly appreciated by brands from very different fields. In this sense, Páramo emphasized that he works with a brand that "hires me for my added value". A statement shared by Natcher: "One of the most important things is that the brand shares my values and, in addition, I have to like the product. If they don't let me get my jokes in, I don't do the campaign."

Work and naturalness

This marketing of values was the focus of this round table in which Nacho Gil emphasized the constancy and hard work required to achieve success in this sector. A success that, however, he tries to relativize as much as possible: "I run away a little from events, because I prefer a normal day".  

"I've been making videos for seven years," explained Nachter, "and consistency is the most important thing. We have never stopped. It's an effort, but it's helped me grow. Whether you have a good day or a bad day, you have to upload something because you realize you're helping people and you know you have to be positive for them. This in the end is a job."

Tomás Páramo, for his part, recommended "being natural, being ourselves, being transparent, that people see that we all have good and bad days and that we are not actors and we do not have to put ourselves in the role of someone we are not".

Both emphasized the need for creative freedom. A freedom that, in addition, they have proven to be positive both for them when creating content, and for the brands they work with because of the naturalness with which, in this way, they can reach their objectives.

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