
Yes to Life' takes to the streets this Sunday, supported by 'influencers'.

The Platform Yes to Life takes to the streets of Madrid on Sunday the 27th, after two years of pandemic, with a March that will feature 'influencers' of social networks, such as Grace Villarreal, a young mother of three children and entrepreneur, with more than one million followers. The organizers denounce the injustice of the laws against life.

Rafael Miner-March 24, 2022-Reading time: 5 minutes
march of life

Grace Villarreal, a well-known 'influencer' born in Colombia and based in Madrid since she was a child; her American husband, Jacob Henson, singer-songwriter; and their three children, aged 9, 7 and 2, of Protestant religion, will be one of the thousands of families that will participate on Sunday 27th in the March Yes to Life, called by the Platform 'Yes to Life', formed by more than 500 associations and national and international civil entities. "We are all going to try to go," Grace Villarreal told Omnes, referring to her family.

– Supernatural March will begin at 12 noon at the confluence of Serrano and Goya streets, and will end at Plaza de Cibeles, where there will be an event with testimonies, live music by the group Los Hermanos Martínez, and a reading of a Manifesto, probably in the style of the marchforlife American companies.

Before that, at 10.00 a.m., there will be an Urban Mile Race, promoted by the Association The event is supported on social networks by runners of the stature of Marc Roig, as reported by Omnes, which collaborates in the Competition of Stories for Life. Nearly a hundred runners have already registered for this II Solidarity Race for Life.

Influencer Grace Villarreal [@gracyvillarreal on her Instagram profile], who will host the event with Diego de Julián, is co-founder of her own fashion and accessories brand @thevillaconcept and of the American food restaurants @picandnicfood, located in Madrid. As a content creator and 'influencer', her career began in 2012 publishing videos on Youtube about makeup tutorials that she would later expand to fashion, lifestyle, cooking, travel, family, etc; and where, as of today, she has 839,359 followers. In addition, Grace uses Instagram, a platform where she has posted more than 3,000 videos and has 628,536 followers to date.

"Life is always worth living."

In statements to Omnes, Grace Villarreal emphasized the value of life and family: "I am committed to life at all stages. The other day I was listening to a talk by Juan Carlos Unzué, a former Barcelona soccer player and coach, who was recently diagnosed with ALS, and I remembered a phrase of his: 'Life is always worth living', and it's true. In every sense, in all its stages. Even at times when we think everything is lost, it's always worth living".

The 'influencer' assured Omnes: "We are very happy with the children that God has given us, they were very much requested, and we feel blessed to have three healthy children. We are a very happy family. My husband is American, and thank God I was able to find a man who has the same values as me, and who has grown up in a Protestant family, who has been super involved in the church as well. We are Protestant. It's been perfect for me.

"We were missionaries in the Amazon."

"My father is a Protestant pastor. We were missionaries in the Amazon, in Peru, until I was four years old, and then we came to Spain. My father was assigned to a church in Spain, in Madrid. We are three brothers. "My dedication to social networks arose when I got married, I live in the United States, and I got pregnant. It was right after my first daughter, when God blessed us with a girl, and the pregnancy was terrible for me. I was at home for a long time, I was doing photography, but I couldn't dedicate myself to many things, and I started to consume a lot of Youtube, which was booming. I was at home, I had time and I saw that this was the moment", she explained to Omnes.

"I'm an audio-taught person, I like to keep learning, and I like to create," she continues. "I saw a niche, a space for me, I took my camera, tiny, and I started to record videos, to talk about fashion, beauty, values, that's how it emerges. We are talking about 2012. In December of that year I gave birth to my baby girl, and this happened just before giving birth. I have three children, a 9-year-old girl, a 6-year-old girl who will be 7 now in April, and a 2-year-old boy, who will be 3 in June."

Dignity of human life

Grace Villarreal has been at the presentation of the March Yes to Life. The platform of the same name convenes one more year to the Spanish civil society this Sunday 27th, to celebrate the International Day of Life, which is commemorated annually every March 25th. The event was attended by Alicia LatorreAmaya Azcona, spokesperson for the Yes to Life Platform and president of the Spanish Federation of Pro-Life Associations. Amaya Azcona, general director of Fundación RedMadre, Javier Rodríguez, general director of Foro de la Familia, and Álvaro Ortega, president of Fundación + Vida, who spoke of "a positive and festive celebration". Grace Villarreal and the European coordinator of One of Us, Ana del Pino, also participated.

Alicia Latorre stated a few weeks ago in Omnes the objectives of the March this year: "On the one hand, to show one more year (and 11 since 2011) our public and united commitment to the defense of life and its dignity, from all the fields in which the various associations that make up this platform are working. On the other hand, to raise our voice to denounce the injustice and shame of the most recent laws that threaten life (euthanasia and persecution of pro-lifers), as well as the previous ones that have taken millions of human lives".

"Likewise, as every year, we want to show the precious and intense face of human life with so many positive aspects, so many testimonies of struggle, overcoming and generosity, which are almost never shown and are happening every day".

The organizers hope that "thousands of people" will join in, and have pointed out that there will be a special remembrance for Ukraine. Amaya Azcona, general director of Red Madre, also referred to "those who are not here" because they died during the Covid-19 pandemic. During the presentation, it was reported that dozens of buses will be arriving on Sunday from many Spanish cities, that many young people will be participating, and that more than 400 volunteers have signed up.


The associations organizing the March are, among others, ABIMAD, ACdP, ADEVIDA, AEDOS, AESVIDA, ANDOC, Asamblea por la Vida, la Libertad y la Dignidad, AYUVI, Asociación de Bioética de Madrid, Asociación Española de Farmacia social, Asociación Europea de Abogados de Familia, ANDEVI, ADEVIDA, Asociación Universitaria APEX, AYUVI, Centro Jurídico Tomás Moro, CIDEVIDA, CIVICA, COFAPA, CONCAPA, CRIAME, Cristianos en Democracia, 40 días por la vida, Derecho a ser Madre, Deportistas por la vida y la familia, e-cristians, EUVITA, El Encinar de Mambré, Enraizados, Evangelium Vitae, Familia y Dignidad Humana, Familias para la acogida, FAPACE, Federación Española de Asociaciones Provida, Fertilitas, Foro de la Familia, Foro cultura 21 Fundación Educatio Servanda, Fundación IUVE, Fundación Jérôme Lejeune, Fundación REDMADRE, Fundación Vida, Fundación + Futuro, Fundación Villacisneros, Fundación +Vida, Grupo Provida, HO- Derecho a vivir, Hogares de Santa María, YWAM, Lands Care, ONE of US, Medicina y vidas, NEOS, Profesionales por la Ética, Proyecto Mater, Red Misión, RENAFER, REMAR, Rescatadores Juan Pablo II, RIOARRIBA, SOS Familia, Spei Mater, Valores y Sociedad, Voz Postaborto, etcetera.

The organization of the March Yes to Life has made an appeal for solidarity to help defray the costs of the event. Through Bizum NGO: 00589, or transfer: ES28 0081 7306 6900 0140 0041.

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