Integral ecology

UFV presents the manifesto 'Caring is always possible'.

With regard to the recent approval of the Organic Law regulating euthanasia in Spain, the Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV) presented this morning its manifesto 'Caring is always possible' in favor of all human life; a look from anthropology and medical deontology, because when you can no longer cure, you can always take care.

Maria José Atienza-March 18, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
Photo presentation of manifesto

The manifesto was presented by María Lacalle, Vice-Rector for Teaching Staff and Academic Organization of the Francisco de Vitoria University and Professor of Theory of Law; Ricardo Abengózar, physician and Professor of Bioethics and Elena Postigo, Professor of Bioethics and Director of the UFV Institute of Bioethics.

The Francisco de Vitoria University, from its commitment to the good of the person and society, has wanted to propose with this Manifesto a reflection on euthanasia and all the elements involved in it.

The manifesto, addressed to the entire university community and Spanish society, is intended to promote debate, "aware that behind a request for euthanasia lies a complex web of human, ethical, medical, legal and social implications; aware, above all, that the anguish and the profound questions that death confronts us cannot be avoided, nor is it appropriate for a mature society to close off dialogue, especially in a matter such as this, in which we literally stake our lives," it was explained in the presentation.

In addition, the manifesto also makes a proposal of measures for "the search for the integral and compassionate protection of life, the promotion of a culture of care, the loving respect for the fragile and vulnerable patient until the end of his or her days". Among the proposals, they call for a law on Comprehensive Care for Suffering, including hospital and outpatient units for the control of pain and suffering, training of professionals who are to accompany the sick and their families, the universalization of palliative care and the promotion of care for the dying person with medical, psychological, family and spiritual attention, which will humanize the process of dying.

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