
The cornerstone of education

As Christian educators, and I am thinking especially of Catholic-inspired schools and teachers of Religion, we would do well to ask ourselves what our 'exit profile' is, that is to say, what model of person we have and, with it, what we want our society to be like.

Javier Segura-April 9, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes

Text in Italian

There is an expression that, because it is evangelical, has caught my attention in the new educational law. Pilar Alegria's Ministry of Education points out that the exit profile "is the cornerstone of the curricular building, the matrix that unites and towards which the different stages converge".

The exit profile is the model of person to be achieved with the application of the LOMLOE. The entire educational system is geared towards this objective. The student's exit profile outlines the type of person that, as a social group, we want to contribute to develop through education and, through it, the type of society we aspire to build.

As Christian educators, and I am thinking especially of Catholic-inspired schools and teachers of Religion, we would do well to ask ourselves what our 'exit profile' is, that is to say, what model of person we have and, with it, what we want our society to be like. And we will have to ask ourselves to what extent our project coincides with what this or other educational laws propose.

Perhaps we have to start from the beginning. Our cornerstone in education is none other than Jesus Christ himself. The goal of all Christian formation is configuration to Christ. The model we have of humanity is the one embodied, not ideally, but living and pulsating, Jesus of Nazareth. In fact, we are called to have the heart, the look, the mind of Jesus Christ. This is our ultimate formative reference point.

It is true that the school has its own dynamics, and that our Catholic proposal can coincide with many of the objectives set out in the educational exit profile, and can even reinforce some of them in greater depth.

But we have to be aware and honest with ourselves in order to be able to offer our own project, our exit profile, without being afraid that there are aspects in which we do not coincide with the 'politically correct'. We have to be able to propose our perspective on some issues in which we apparently talk about the same thing, but only apparently. Because, for example, it is not the same to talk about the care of the common home from the perspective that the world is God's creation and man is his 'masterpiece', as it is to do so by proposing a pantheistic scheme of Mother Earth Gaia and presenting man as the enemy, a kind of virus that must be controlled with neo-Malthusian policies that reduce the population. It is not the same thing.

And it's not just a matter of points of view on the same subject. Sometimes it is not a problem of what is said, but of what is not said. There are vital perspectives that will never appear in the exit profile of any educational law, but which are essential for us. We Christians cannot forget that we are citizens of heaven, that the earth is our common home, but that it expands and becomes infinite in the bosom of the Father. That Jesus, dead and risen, alive today, is the one who sustains our life.

Our cornerstone is Christ. Without him, the whole building falls down. Without this keystone, it is impossible to educate as Christians. Having this clear, knowing who we are and what our proposal is, we will be able to contribute the light that is born of the Gospel and that has illuminated all centuries and all nations.

Also XXI.

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