
St. Gabriel de la Dolorosa and St. Anne Line, martyred for welcoming priests

The liturgy of the Church celebrates on February 27 the Italian St. Gabriel della Dolorosa; the British St. Anne Line and companions martyred in the England of Elizabeth I; and St. Gregory of Narek, among other saints.  

Francisco Otamendi-February 27, 2025-Reading time: 2 minutes
St. Anne Line, English martyr

Statue of Anne Line, by Caedwalla, at Anne Line Junior School, Basildon, Essex (Creative commons, Wikimedia commons).

Francesco Possenti, who took the name of Gabriel de la Dolorosawas born in Assisi in 1838 into a well-to-do family and was the eleventh of thirteen children. From an early age learned to pray by the hand of his parents, who passed on to him a strong faith. They moved to Spoleto and when he was only four years old, his mother died and his education was left in the hands of his father, Santos. As a teenager he performed at his best in school. 

The death of his sister Maria Luisa marked him deeply, and he considered the possibility of religious life. On August 22, 1856, according to the Passionists, he heard clearly during a procession that the image of Mary Most Holy said a few words to himFrancis, this life is not for you". A fortnight later, at the age of 18, he went to Morrovalle to join the Passionists.

St. Gabriel della Dolorosa shared with his relatives the joy of God's call: "The joy I feel inside this house is unspeakable compared to the fun I had outside. I wouldn't trade a quarter of an hour spent here for all the shows at Spoleto." He professed religious vows in the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ, increased his devotion to the Mother of God and dedicated himself to the poor. He died at the age of 24 from tuberculosis, before his ordination.

Brave in the chase

St. Anne Line, widow of London in the reign of Elizabeth I (16th-17th centuries), offered refuge to Catholic priests, which led her to the martyrdom. She is remembered in England for her courage in times of persecution: she was executed in Tyburn, London. Along with her were martyred the presbyters Mark Barkworth, of the Order of St. Benedict, and Roger Filcock, of the Society of Jesus. She was canonized by St. Paul VI in 1970 together with the rest of the Forty Martyrsof England and Wales.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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