
St. Alexander, patriarch and promoter of Nicaea, and St. Paula Montal, patriarch of Nicaea.

The Church celebrates on February 26, among other saints, St. Alexander, Patriarch of Alexandria and promoter of the Council of Nicaea, who condemned the Arian doctrines and formulated the Nicene Creed, and the Catalan St. Paula Montal, founder of the Daughters of Mary or Piarists, inspired by the work of St. Joseph Calasanz.  

Francisco Otamendi-February 26, 2025-Reading time: < 1 minute
Saint Paula Montal, foundress of the Piarists.

Carving of St. Paula Montal, foundress of the Piarist Daughters of Mary, at the Provincial House in Madrid.

The liturgy today commemorates St. Alexander, Patriarch of Alexandria, known for his zeal for the faith. According to the Roman Martyrology, Bishop Alexander was the first to discover the heresy of Arius and to combat it, a matter of great concern to the Church in the third and fourth centuries. Alexander is known for his apostolic doctrine and for having ordained a young deacon, St. Athanasiuswhich later became famous throughout Christendom.

San Alejandro was one of the driving forces behind the Council of Nicea in 325, which with more than three hundred council fathers condemned Arianism, which held that in reality only God the Father was God. He is considered a great ombudsman of Catholic doctrine, and is also celebrated by the Orthodox Church (May 29). Not to be confused with St. Alexander of Jerusalem, bishop and martyr, who is celebrated on March 18. 

Foundress of the Piarists

Saint Paula Montal, foundress of the Daughters of Mary or Piarists, was born in Arenys de Mar (Barcelona) on October 11, 1799 and died on February 26, 1889, in the last school founded by her, in Olesa de Montserrat. 

The work of the Piarist schools in the Church and society is directed to the human and Christian education of children and youth, and to the integral formation of the woman. St. Paula Montal, identified with the charism of St. Joseph Calasanz, wanted the Calasanctian spirituality for the Institute. In 1993, Mother Paula was beatified by St. John Paul II, and in 2001, canonized. They are now present in more than 20 countries.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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