
Paths to access the mystery of God: a well disposed mind and heart

The author reflects on a premise to access the knowledge of the world, as well as to discover its deepest meaning, God. The disposition of intelligence and will.

José Miguel Granados-May 23, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
paths to god

Photo credit: Krisjanis Mezulis / Unsplash

A well-known philosophical aphorism states: everything is received in the vessel mode. That is to say, the quality of perception, and even its very possibility, depends to a great extent on the condition of the receiving organ. This principle is applicable not only to material realities, perceptible by the senses, but also to higher realities. Therefore, when the human intelligence and will are in a position to perceive, it is not only in the sense of the senses but also in the higher realities. well-disposed people can access the knowledge of the world; and also go back in search of the deep sense of life and of the very being that underlies everything. 

The person is capable of God

Every human person is, by his or her nature, rational, capable of God. But it is necessary to unfold this innate potentiality. The various ways to the knowledge of God require, therefore, that the receiving body human beings are healthy and educated. Indeed, only those whose minds and hearts are properly prepared, through good formation and inner healing, can open themselves to the mystery of life that is ultimately found in God.

Adequate education

It is therefore essential to have a adequate education not only intellectually and academically, but mainly with regard to the internal regulationswhich are shaped by moral attitudes. For environments and cultures contaminated by false ideologies or by degrading and inhuman customs make it very difficult to be open to the world of the spirit and to the mystery of God: they blind and deafen the soul, numb it to perceive the highest values, and gradually make it insensitive to authentic interpersonal relationships and to the knowledge of the truth of love. 

In addition, it is necessary to overcome the laziness of the indifferentThe need for a new way of thinking, which renounces to think deeply, exposing oneself to the manipulation of fashions, allowing oneself to be comfortably carried away by the dominant currents, is also necessary. It is also necessary to conversion and the purification of the heart to overcome the moral blindness of disordered passions that obfuscate the intelligence, paralyze the free will and prevent the development of an adequate spiritual sensitivity.

Cultivation of virtues

On the other hand, a person cultivated in moral virtues acquires a delicate, careful sensitivity to perceive spiritual, ethical, aesthetic and religious values. Something similar happens to those who have reached a certain level of technical and academic skills. This is the case, for example, with good professionals in various fields, such as sportsmen, artists, musical performers, etc. After a long effort of learning - with good teachers, with perseverance, animated by an intense motivation - they reach the careful sensitivity and the mature spontaneity to perceive, understand, enjoy and master their science, art or technique with dexterity and connaturality. In short, openness to the mystery of God, the perception of his sacred presence, the understanding of his signs, of his message, of his call, require a subject well disposed and capable of receiving the language of God.

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