Integral ecology

The Open Reason 2023 awards already have winners

The Francisco de Vitoria University and the Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Foundation have made public the names of the winners of the Open Reason 2023 awards. Among the winners are Anna Rowlands and Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti.

Paloma López Campos-October 16, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
open reason awards

Instituto Razón Abierta (Francisco de Vitoria University)

– Supernatural Francisco de Vitoria University and the Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Foundation have made public the names of the winners of the Open Reason 2023 awards. Among the winners are Anna Rowlands and Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti.

The Razón Abierta 2023 awards already have their winners. The Francisco de Vitoria University and the Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Foundation have made public the names of the winners, who will receive the awards on October 17 in Rome. The ceremony will begin at five o'clock in the afternoon, local time, and can be followed via streaming.

Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, Prefect Emeritus of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, will preside over the award ceremony. The President of the Ratzinger Foundation, Federico Lombardi, and Daniel Sada, Rector of the Francisco de Vitoria University, are also expected to deliver speeches.

The winners of the Open Reason 2023 Awards

The Razón Abierta prizes award the winners a total of 100,000 euros, which are divided into four prizes of 25,000 euros. The winners of this edition are:

  • Anna Rowlands, in the Research category. Rowlands is a lecturer at Durham University and received the award for her paper "Towards a politics of communion: Catholic social teaching in dark times".
  • Dr. Simon Maria Kopf, PhD, in the Research category, for his work "Reframing Providence: New Perspectives from Aquinas on the Divine Action Debate".
  • Juan Serrano Vicente and Carola Díaz de Lope-Díaz Molins, in the Teaching category. Both are part of the Santander-UFV Europe Fellowships and the University Leadership School at the Francisco de Vitoria University. They received the award precisely for the latter project.
  • Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti and Stefano Oliva, in the Teaching category, for their project "DISF Educational platform".

In addition, Elizabeth Newman received an honorable mention for her work "Divine Abundance. Newman is a professor of theology at Union Presbyterian Seminary's Baptist House of Studies and Duke Divinity School.

Razón Abierta Awards: highlighting excellence

The Razón Abierta Awards are celebrating their sixth edition in 2023. They aim to recognize and reward excellence in the fields of research and teaching. Each year they honor the work done by different individuals to promote "open reason", popularized by Benedict XVI. As explained by the Francisco de Vitoria University, this "open reason" is "that which seeks to truly know what surrounds it, embracing all aspects of reality from a harmonious synthesis of knowledge that integrates theology and philosophy".

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