
"One more for Christmas", the CARF Foundation's campaign to support vocations.

The CARF Foundation encourages you to "put an extra plate" in a symbolic way on these dates and help a seminarian or diocesan priest.

Maria José Atienza-December 19, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes

Christmas is synonymous of union and family reunion. For this reason, the CARF Foundation wanted to launch a solidarity campaign at this time of the year. One more for Christmas, an initiative through which this Foundation encourages a symbolic invitation to put one more dish on the family Christmas Eve or Christmas table for a seminarian or diocesan priest.  

– Supernatural CARF Foundationfounded in 1989, which has helped almost a quarter of 40,000 students from 131 countries with scarce economic resources to study theology and philosophy in Rome and Pamplona, wants to support the vocation of seminarians and diocesan priests, as well as religious men and women from all over the world, recalling "the Christian custom of charity in many countries of adding an extra dish to the Christmas Eve dinner or Christmas lunch, or of families who invite people from the street to spend such a special day with them".

To join this original campaign, the CARF Foundation proposes three ideas: "pray for the priests after blessing the table, this Christmas and every day, share this gesture through social networks, inspiring others to join in or make a special Christmas donation through the form that have been created for this purpose on the CARF Foundation website.

Through this donation, families and individuals will have an additional person at the Christmas table and will help these young people to be trained in the ecclesiastical faculties of Rome and Pamplona to return to their countries of origin and promote pastoral and ministerial work in the local churches.

Many seminarians and priests, through the pages of Omnes, have shared their stories and the importance of the CARF Foundation's help in continuing their priestly formation: Vinel Rosier, Vedastus Machibula, Mathias Soiza o Carmelo Fidel Marcaida are some of the testimonials you can read on our website.

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