
More than half of the students choose Religion as a subject of study

More than 3 million students have chosen to attend the subject of Catholic Religion during this academic year in Spain. The figure, which represents around 60% of the total student body, has decreased slightly compared to last year.

Maria José Atienza-April 28, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute

The Episcopal Commission for Education and Culture of the Spanish Bishops' Conference has made public, as it does every school year, the statistical data of the students who choose Religion as a subject of study Catholic in this 2020-21 academic year.

The figure reflects the actual data obtained by the 69 diocesan teaching delegations corresponding to 15,029 public, subsidized and private schools.

As for the choice of Catholic Religious education at the beginning of this complicated school year, from Pre-school to Baccalaureate, there are 3,255,031 students in Spain, in all types of centers, which means 60.59% of the student body. A comparison of this percentage with that of the previous year (63%) reveals a slight decrease.



Students, from kindergarten through high school, have chosen to take the subject of Religion in the 2020 - 2021 academic year.

The data reveal that, in spite of the uncertainty that both the pandemic and the media debate about the LOMLOE and the instability that has been poured on the subject, the majority of students continue to choose this modality in Spain.

A fact that the Commission appreciates, given that they are framed "within the framework of a pluralistic society of growing cultural and religious diversity". Likewise, this publication is an incentive to work and improve the curriculum of the subject of Religion with the objective of responding to the demands of society and families in today's world. The Commission also wanted to encourage "families to maintain their commitment, as the first responsible for the education of their sons and daughters, requesting the teaching of religion as part of their integral education".

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