
Nearly 2,000 young people were able to study thanks to the CARF Foundation in 2022

1,915 seminarians, diocesan priests and religious from 79 different countries on five continents have been able to study in various church faculties thanks to the generosity of thousands of people through the CARF Foundation.

Maria José Atienza-August 21, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
carf foundation

The CARF Foundation has presented its Notes to the consolidated financial statements for the year 2022. A year that saw a record number of donations that made it possible for 1,915 students from all over the world to study theology and philosophy in Rome and Pamplona.

– Supernatural CARF Foundation supported 1,915 seminarians, diocesan priests and religious from 79 different countries on five continents during the 2022 academic year. To finance their studies, the Foundation allocated €5,810,000 (including aid from the Board of Trustees for Social Action), which represents 67.6 % of the total resources applied during the 2022 academic year. 

Likewise, the endowment The CARF Foundation's endowment fund has contributed 450,000 € for scholarships, which have represented 8 % of the total grants awarded.

More donations but negative fiscal year

According to the Annual Report, in 2022 recurrent and one-time donations reached €5,264,000. Of this total, €1,415,000 came from recurring donations and subscriptions, while €3,849,000 came from one-time donations. In fact, the CARF Foundation does not receive public subsidies and the approximately 5,300 annual donors guarantee the independence and continuity of the institution.

In this section, however, there has been a significant decrease in the resources from legacies and wills, which have reached 872,000 € in 2022, well below the 4,206,000 € received in 2021, and the total obtained from income and income derived from the management of the estate has also decreased to 533,000 € in 2022.

The decrease in these last two items has led to a negative year-end and the Foundation closed with a loss of €1,906,000 in 2022.

The work of the CARF Foundation

Despite this decline, the CARF Foundation continues to fulfill its objectives: to pray for vocations and priests, to spread its good name throughout the world and to help in the formation of priests so that no vocation as a seminarian, diocesan priest or religious is lost for lack of financial means.

Countries of origin of students supported by the CARF Foundation

CARF Foundation Campaigns

During 2022, the CARF Foundation promoted four donation campaigns with different missions: Donate cases of sacred vesselsThe seminarians, once they return to their dioceses to be ordained to the priesthood, can celebrate the Holy Mass in inaccessible places and with scarce resources. 

Solidarity bequests and wills: your whole life to give it awayThe aim is to raise awareness about the importance of transcending your life in a perpetual way, and to continue to support priests and seminarians around the world;

the initiative Help us to sow the world with priests: may no vocation be lost. which aims to convey the urgency of promoting vocations, indispensable for the administration of the sacraments.

Finally, Priests, God's smile on earth: put a face to your donation, focuses on donors whose contribution exceeds 500 € per year to assign them a scholarship recipient, with name and surname, to whom their support will be destined.  

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