The "Yes to Life" Platform, made up of more than 500 associations united in the defense of life, from its beginning to its natural end, is calling on Spanish civil society to celebrate in Madrid the "Yes to Life" Day. International Day of Lifewhich is commemorated annually on March 25. This year, the celebration will take place on Sunday, March 23 with the March Yes to Life 2025. It is being held on Sunday to facilitate attendance from all cities in Spain.
Every life is important
"It is a united march under the same color, green hope, and the same slogan, Yes to Life, and without political flags", the organizers point out. The Platform Yes to Life makes "a call to civil society to attend from anywhere in Spain to make visible that every life is important, from conception to its natural end, as well as to express the need for everyone, governments, NGOs and civil society to put all available tools at the service of positive care of people".
Departure, stage, short concert and balloons
The route of the March begins on Sunday at 12:00 noon on Serrano Street (corner of Goya Street) to Plaza de Cibeles with Paseo de Recoletos, where a stage will be located where the event will take place with testimonies and the reading of the manifesto of the Platform Yes to Life.
There will also be a minute of silence along with the traditional release of balloons "in memory of the unborn and all the victims of the culture of death". The event will conclude with a small concert to celebrate the Day of Life.
"The Plataforma Sí a la Vida (Yes to Life Platform) expects a massive attendance to the March Yes to Life", they assure. Different organizations and groups of people have organized buses from their cities to attend this event, among them Alicante, Zaragoza, Mairena de Alcor, Cuenca, etc. You can continue to register on the website Registrations to volunteer and help in the organization (300 people for now), are still available at this link link.
"We encourage not to give up."
Alicia Latorrespokesperson for the Yes to Life Platform and president of the Spanish Federation of Pro-Life Associations, said: "This is a march full of meaning, of unity and commitment, of constancy in the defense of all human life. We are not going to give up and we encourage the entire population to remain firm and hopeful so that the culture of life triumphs in Spain".
Resources to help women
On the other hand, María Torrego, president of the Foundation MOTHER NETWORKThe maternity support organizations are participating in this March to show that we are at the disposal of any woman who, faced with an unplanned pregnancy, needs support to continue with her motherhood," she said.
María Torrego wishes to "remind the institutions, both public and private, that the organizations as cooperators in this social work, we need them to provide us with resources to be able to offer the support needed by women who freely decide to go ahead with their pregnancy in spite of the difficulties they face".
Families, and voice of the voiceless
"There is an increasingly powerful generation of young people who want to be the voice of those who have no voice, says Álvaro Ortega, president of +Vida Foundation. "History will show us that it is always worth betting on life, on motherhood and on hope."
"The family, as the fundamental basis of society, where life is especially protected and where the person grows and develops, will be present at the March Yes to Life. We encourage all Spanish families to attend this great celebration of the Day of Life", said Marcos Gonzálvez, director of the Family Forum.
At the press conference convening the March, representatives of some of the associations that are part of the Platform were also present: María Luengo, from Fundación Neos; Leire Navaridas, from Amasuve; Beatriz Narváez, from Provida Cantabria; Rosa Arregui, from Adevida Madrid, and Esperanza Puente, from Asociación Voz Postaborto. As in previous years, the March Yes to Life 2025 will have a simultaneous translator for deaf people.
Video by Methos Media
Other organizations and collectives supporting the March include Methos Mediawhich makes available this video 3'35" animation, titled 'Dear Little Brother. Yes to life'.
Contribution volunteer
It is also possible to collaborate with financial donation by bizum NGO: 00589 or by bank transfer: ES28 0081 7306 6900 0140 0041. Account holder: Spanish Federation of Provida Associations. Concept: Yes to Life and indicate which person or association is making the deposit.