
Klinema, a positive way to watch movies

Klinema is a platform that filters, in movies and series of the main streaming platforms, aspects such as sexual content, violence or profanity. Representatives of various institutions have discussed at the CEU on the effect of the consumption of violent or pornographic audiovisual content, especially in children and young people.

Maria José Atienza-April 16, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes
Klinema, a positive way to watch movies

Elena Martínez, Alejandro Gordon, Begoña Ladrón de Guevara, Blanca Elía, Hilario Blasco, Miguel Ferrández and Marieta Jaureguizar at CEU

Representatives from various institutions have debated at the CEU on the effect of the consumption of violent or pornographic audiovisual content, especially on children and young people.

Elena Martínez (Empantallados), Alejandro Gordon (The Family Watch), Begoña Ladrón de Guevara (COFAPA), Blanca Elía (Take a Tour), Hilario Blasco (Emooti) and Miguel Ferrández of Methos Media, have reflected on issues such as the age of access to pornography, the normalization of inappropriate behavior or the worrying data on suicide among young people in relation to the audiovisual content consumed in Spain.

In view of this, an alternative has been presented: Klinema. A platform, developed by Methos Mediawhich filters, in movies and series of the main streaming platforms, aspects such as sexual content, violence or profanity.

The speakers, moderated by Marieta Jaureguizar, director of communications of the CEUhave exposed different aspects that families and educators face in a world mediatized by screens and socially hypersexualized.

Access to pornography at younger and younger ages

In this regard, Elena Martínez recalled that the audiovisual content "consumed by our children and young people through series or video games shapes the way they see the world. In Spain, half of 11-year-old children have a Smartphone, so they have unlimited access to all kinds of content".

In this line, Blanca Elía, stressed that we live in a hypersexualized society. We only have to look at some series such as Elite or Sex Education, which almost all young people have seen, or the songs and literary sagas for teenagers... from this point of view, making the leap to pornography is very easy", explained Elía, who advocates an effort in "affective and sexual education that has to show another vision of sexuality".

One of the key aspects of this issue is the reality, pointed out by Alejandro Gordon, of the number of children who are alone at home and consume audiovisual products in solitude. "It is not a question of prohibiting but of adapting the media to prevent such easy access to this type of content". "Children at home see what they can see", Gordon pointed out, "if everything is at their fingertips, they will see it".

Option to avoid inappropriate content

This is the point that directly touches the work of Klinema, an initiative of Methos Media, presented by Miguel Ferrández, which offers both the possibility of establishing filters to view the titles of the main audiovisual platforms along with a selection and recommendations of films and series focused on family values.

As Ferrández himself has pointed out, "Klinema is not censorship, it is a way of looking at cinema in a positive way". Through a subscription system to the Klinema plugin, users access the platforms they have contracted in the browser and the Klinema catalog has been reviewed to ensure that it does not contain inappropriate content.

The user can also set various levels of filters. In addition to this review work, the platform also offers movie or series recommendations every Friday.

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