
A concert to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ

The Catholic Association of Propagandists is organizing the second edition of the Feast of the Resurrection, a macro-concert to celebrate the resurrection of Christ, which last year attracted more than 60,000 attendees.

Loreto Rios-March 5, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes

The artists at the press conference on March 5, 2024 ©ACdP

The concert of the II Feast of the Resurrection is scheduled for April 6 in the Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid. It seems that this beautiful initiative, which last year attracted more than 60,000 people, "is here to stay", as stated by Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza, president of the Catholic Association of Propagandists, at a press conference held this morning in the Aula Magna of the CEU San Pablo University to publicize the event.

This morning's event brought together some of the artists who will participate in the concert: Fernando, from the group Modestia Aparte, Marilia (formerly a member of the musical duo Ella Baila Sola), three members of Hakuna Group Music (Macarena, Nacho and Santiago), Juan Peña y Esténez (formerly Grílex).

Other participants in the concert will be Father Guilherme (the WYD DJ priest from Portugal), or DJ El Pulpo, as well as the Christian band HTB WorshipAccording to Pablo Velasco, secretary of communication of ACdP, the intention is that this feast is also an ecumenical celebration and shared with other confessions. Because the objective of the 2nd Feast of the Resurrection is common to all Christians: to celebrate the most important historical event, the Resurrection of Christ.

In addition, Marilia, former member of the musical group Ella Baila Sola, said that music "unites everyone", regardless of people's beliefs. "Love is above all," she said.

Fernando, from Modestia Aparte, also commented that it is a joy that new generations are getting hooked on their music, and recalled how they used to write the lyrics of their songs on napkins.

About last year, some repeat artists, such as Hakuna, have recalled the good atmosphere that was experienced, not only with the spectators, but also backstage among the artists, since the cause that brought them together was "much bigger than us".

For his part, Juan Peña commented that it was an "incredible" event, and that, as a Christian, he loved celebrating the Resurrection in this way. "For me the most important thing is to sing to God," he explained. He also said that he was happy to see "so many young people celebrating this day as Christians".

Guillermo Esteban also spoke about his new project as "Estenez" (formerly Grílex), and commented that at this moment what he wants is to "promote, through music, hope". "Things work with love", he assured. This artist will also participate next Saturday, March 9th in the concert "Por la paz", organized by Cadena 100 to benefit Manos Unidas at the WiZink Center.

Finally, the artists stressed that this event is open to everyone, not just Catholics or believers, and that everyone is invited to this celebration regardless of their beliefs. The music "goes from heart to heart", commented Hakuna, and is the "language of God", in the words of Guillermo, who added that the concert is a good time to feel accompanied and to see that "it is worth living life without masks".

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