
'Family Forum' asks to listen to parents to stop LOMLOE

The #EuropaEscúchanos campaign is aimed at MEPs in order to stop the LOE Improvement Act, which, since its proposal, has been rejected by the majority of the private and subsidized education community. 

Maria José Atienza-February 1, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute

The # campaignEuropalisten to us invites the Spanish society to participate by means of mails addressed to the MEPs in which they can publicly show their discontent with this law that limits the freedom of parents and the rights of children.

Family Forum has been one of the entities that has shown its rejection to the new education law. As reported by the Forum itself: "They wanted to continue insisting on the work against the LOMLOE which puts at risk the concerted education in Spain and with it more than 82,000 teachers without counting the administrative and management staff of the centers. Evidently without leaving aside the risks that this law presents for freedom and human rights".

In order to participate in this campaign, the Forum offers, through this web addressThe first one is a Report that breaks down all the problems against human rights, educational freedom and the right to education. The second is a STATEMENT through which MEPs can express their disagreement with the so-called Celaá Law.

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