
Philip Joseph Gilotaux. From the field to the books

Felipe exchanged land and animal management for books. This Argentine agricultural engineer has been carrying out a curious and fruitful work of evangelization and apostolate through books for years. 

Juan Carlos Vasconez-May 27, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes

Although he was beginning his time at the University 50 years ago as an agricultural engineer, Gilotaux has been an eyewitness to the evolution and challenges of his nation over the decades. 

At the age of 36, in view of the financial difficulties his father was facing in his business, he decided to leave agronomy and return to Buenos Aires, together with his brother, to support him. 

Shortly thereafter, he began a new adventure, marked by print, which would turn his life and his professional, personal and vocational projection around. 

A new vocation

Philippe Eugene Joseph Gilotaux, Philippe, intended to pursue a career as an agronomist, but everything changed when he had to help his father's business. After achieving a peaceful liquidation of the family business, Philip found himself at a professional crossroads. It was then that he discovered his true vocation: books. 

During his commercial travels in the interior of Argentina, he recalls, "I noticed a significant lack of quality literature, which inspired me to become a book peddler."

Thus, "establishing connections with local bookstores and meeting the demands of friends and acquaintances." Felipe focused on offering works by renowned classic authors and spiritual literature that quickly captured the public's attention. 

His ability to identify and satisfy readers' needs led him to expand his business beyond the greater Buenos Aires area, even reaching the picturesque city of Bariloche, located more than 1,200 kilometers from the capital.

Over time, Felipe specialized in spirituality books, responding to his clients' specific requests and consolidating his reputation as a reliable provider of quality spiritual literature. 

An unexpected testimony

This task goes beyond sales to be a channel through which to bring people closer to God. Felipe recalls one of the most striking stories of his career: the owner of a bookstore in Bragado, a small town in the interior of the country, "initially showed little interest in books"offered by Felipe.

However, after quickly selling all consignment copies and receiving positive feedback, "he decided to immerse himself in his reading, which led him to strengthen his connection with the Church and share his transforming experience with the local parish priest. He was surprised because the bookseller was not exactly known for his piety".

In addition to being a salesman, Felipe has also worked in book publishing, an outstanding example of which is the work Love, Pride and Humilitywhich has more than 250 short chapters. Despite initial doubts about its commercial success, "This work has sold more than 30,000 copies in Argentina, demonstrating that intuition and vision are not the most important things in the publishing world; the Holy Spirit is what really moves these businesses".

For over 50 years, Felipe has been a channel through which countless people have found inspiration, spiritual guidance and personal growth through reading. His commitment and dedication have contributed to "transform lives, leading many people to God and away from vices."

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