
The Feast of the Resurrection, an event for singers and families in Madrid

Madrid's Plaza de Cibeles will be the stage for the concert in which singers such as Grilex, Andy y Lucas and Hakuna will celebrate the joy of Christ's resurrection.

Maria José Atienza-April 9, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes
feast of the resurrection

This initiative of the Catholic Association of Propagandists will bring together, in Madrid's Plaza de Cibeles, the singers GrilexCarlos Baute, Juan Peña, Andy y Lucas and the Catholic youth group Hakuna. A unique celebration, marked by joy, to celebrate "the most joyful event for the world".

Perhaps not since WYD in Madrid in 2011 have Spanish Catholics experienced an event of public manifestation of faith in the streets of a capital city. On April 15, within the Easter Octave, the central Cibeles Square in Madrid will host a "different" concert. Well-known singers of different styles, and markedly Catholic groups, such as Hakunawill share the stage to celebrate, together with all those who wish to join them, the joy of the Resurrection.

"My idea was to get U2 on that stage."

The idea for this concert came some years ago from the president of the Catholic Association of Propagandists, Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza who acknowledged, at the lunch presentation of this concert, that his first idea had been "to put U2 on that stage". The cache of the Irish group and the difficulties made visible the impossibility of doing it "for the moment", but did not discourage the president of the propagandists who, once overcome the years of pandemic, has resumed with unusual force a celebration that was born with the idea of perpetuating in time.

Bullón explained that, in order to publicize this concert, he had met with various Church institutions, in addition, of course, to the Archdiocese of Madrid. Bullón stressed that "they all thought it was a wonderful idea. I have spoken with people from Effetá, Schoenstatt, the Neocatechumenal Way, Opus Dei... They have all encouraged us a lot and I know that they have moved it in their environment".

The Resurrection Festival promises to be an unforgettable meeting from which its organizers hope to "learn a lot and see if it can be done every year".

A joy "that takes to the streets".

"The artists who were contacted immediately welcomed the idea," said Bullón de Mendoza, who also noted that "only one artist we contacted could not join us due to scheduling issues". An evangelical artist, because the Resurrection "is a reality that unites all Christians, so this concert can be, in the future, an ecumenical meeting".

In fact, it is the artists themselves who express their joy at participating in this unique event. Juan Peña, one of the singers who is part of this Resurrection celebration, affirms that "as a Christian, for me the Resurrection of Christ is a day of celebration, joy and happiness".

In this sense, Bullón de Mendoza pointed out, during the presentation, that "Catholics have to show that we are joyful, that the Christian faith is joyful. In the spirit of ACdP is the public manifestation of faith, and what better manifestation than to show the joy of the Resurrection". A concert of these characteristics, said Bullón, "seemed to us a perfect idea for families to go, to enjoy and also for non-believers to attend".

Influencers and singers celebrating the Resurrection

resurrection holiday

The tiktoker Natcher will be the conductor of this feast of the Resurrection that will begin at 19:00 and end at 21:30. The Valencian expressed his enthusiasm for "being able to participate in this concert, where we all join together to celebrate that the Lord is still alive".

Admission to the party, in Madrid's Plaza Cibeles, is free of charge. The Catholic Association of Propagandists web site has enabled a space for this concert in which you can see the different areas and meeting points, to facilitate the attendance of all people to this Feast of the Resurrection.

The party also has the hashtag #ResurrectionFeast through which organizers and attendees will be able to share announcements, experiences and memories on social networks.

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