
40 days for life: "Our presence is a reminder that there are alternatives to abortion".

40 days that have saved more than a hundred lives. From the beginning of the campaign, on September 22 until October 31, dozens of people have gathered in front of clinics where abortions are performed with one purpose: to pray for the women who go to these centers and, whenever they decide to approach, to offer them resources and possibilities to carry their pregnancy and be able to have their son or daughter.

Maria José Atienza-October 31, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes

The campaign of 40 days for life is over, but the work of these volunteers and associations is never finished. Marcos and Nayeli, coordinators of 40 days for life in our country emphasize that "praying in front of an abortion is to be on the last line of battle" and demand information on the alternatives and aid available to many of these mothers who seek abortions for "economic or emotional reasons, insecurity with an unexpected pregnancy and how to fit this circumstance into their personal and/or professional projection".

-How are you living these days for life from the inside?

Humanly speaking, we have experienced times of worry thinking about the shifts that were still to be filled and to our surprise there were people who had not signed up and were there praying. So as organizers it has taught us to put our trust in God. We have witnessed how God works and makes this initiative his own and how he transforms hearts. Everything we have experienced during these days as organizers has also helped us to grow in our relationship with God. He always exceeds our expectations.

- There are those who accuse you of "harassing" mothers, how do you approach mothers, do they approach you more, do they appreciate it?

Our role is to pray, we do not approach mothers. Our presence is a reminder that there are other alternatives and if they approach us, we reach out to them. There are women who thank us, and one of them has even told us that she wished we had been there the day she went in for her abortion.

-In this time of 40 days, more than a hundred children have been saved, what are the causes that lead these mothers to want to kill their children, how are they accompanied afterwards?

The causes are very diverse: economic, emotional, insecurity with an unexpected pregnancy and how to fit this circumstance into their personal and/or professional projection... The important thing is that they are committed to defending the life they carry inside. The people who accompany them establish personal bonds that go beyond a mere physical presence up to the moment of delivery and that last after that moment. Often, the same
Mothers who once thought of having an abortion and finally decided to go ahead, establish groups among themselves and get together. Sometimes, they are also helped by offering them assistance in entering the labor market, with
specific training or support for the homologation of qualifications obtained in other countries.

The important thing would be that before a woman has an abortion, she should know that there are other alternatives and that their dissemination should be more transparent.

Marcos / Nayeli

-How can you continue to support this campaign?

Saying yes to participate in future campaigns. Although, ideally, no campaign would be necessary. Praying in front of an abortion clinic is to be in the last line of battle... The important thing would be that before the woman gets there, she knows that there are other alternatives and that their diffusion would be more transparent. Legally, it is regulated that information must be offered before an unwanted pregnancy, but in practice, the information offered is not complete and only goes in one direction, which is precisely the one that leads us to pray in front of the clinics.

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