
March for Life 2022, with an eye on Washington and Colombia

The fight for life goes on, in streets and parliaments, with victories and defeats. In Washington, thousands of people took to the streets in January to defend life with Marchforlifewhile Colombia has decriminalized abortion up to the 24th week. In Spain, the Platform Yes to Life has called for the March for Life 2022 on Sunday, March 27 in Madrid.

Rafael Miner-February 23, 2022-Reading time: 4 minutes
march for life

Texto in Italian here

The Plataforma Sí a la Vida (Yes to Life Platform) has once again called on civil society in Spain, on March 27 at 12:00 noon in Madrid, to take to the streets in defense of every human being, to demand "respect for the dignity of all persons and to show rejection of the latest laws passed, which directly threaten human life". The International Day of Life will be celebrated again after two years without taking to the streets due to the health situation.

The tour will begin in Madrid's Serrano and Goya streets, and will reach the Plaza de Cibeles, where a ceremony will be held with testimonies, music and a final manifesto prepared by the member organizations.

The Platform Yes to Life is made up of more than 500 associations that work for the defense of Life from its beginning to its natural end. All of them joined together in 2011 under this Platform to perform around March 25, International Day of Life, a public and unitary act to celebrate this date under the same color: green hope, and under the same slogan: Yes to Life.

Decriminalization in Colombia

The Platform's call is usual every year, and comes a few days after Colombia's Constitutional Court approved the decriminalization of abortion up to 24 weeks on Monday, in a historic vote with a close result -five votes in favor and four against-, which has been criticized by the president of the Latin American country.

Iván Duque stressed his concern that the decision "will make it easier for abortion to become an almost contraceptive, recurrent and regular practice". In a radio interview, the Colombian president declared himself to be "a pro-life person", and insisted that "life begins at conception", as reported by El Mundo.

Marches for Life: Washington

A few weeks earlier, at the end of January, the annual March for Life took place in Washington, D.C., promoted by Marchforlife and supported by thousands of people, which took place in the hope that it would be the last march nationwide, and which was a new cry for the "gift of every human life to be protected by law and welcomed with love".

The freezing temperatures of -6º Celsius in the U.S. capital and the high infection rates of the Omicron variant of Covid.19, did not dampen the spirits of thousands of young people from all over the country who gathered at the 49th edition of the MarchforLifeas reported by our correspondent, Gonzalo Meza. Catholic colleges and universities were represented with hundreds of students who traveled from different parts of the country to the capital to participate in the walk.

Also in Finland

In September last year, a historic event took place in Helsinki: the first March for Life in Helsinki. Finland. The objective, like that of other marches that have been held in numerous places, was to stimulate public debate on the reality of human life in the womb, the phenomenon of abortion and the defense of the right to life of unborn children, reported Raimo Goyarrola.

Abortion in Finland is allowed almost freely. And that March on Saturday, September 11 in Helsinki marked a before and after. "About 9,000 unborn Finns are killed every year. That's just the number needed for a generational replacement in society. We are at unsustainable numbers for a stable future. Children are needed. But the time has come to talk, to communicate, to dialogue," wrote Raimo Goyarrola.

500 associations in Spain

In Spain, the Platform Yes to Life is made up of more than 500 associations that work for the defense of Life from its beginning to its natural end. In 2011, the associations united under this Platform to carry out, around March 25 -International Day of Life-, a public and united act with the same slogan: Yes to Life.

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Since then, the platform has not failed to fulfill its commitment. The last two years have been carried out online, with a retransmission through the YouTube channel of the Platform; and according to the note made public today, "this 2022 will again take to the streets with force to celebrate life in an already consolidated act, which is growing every year in number of attendees especially young people. In addition to expressing this commitment and the greatness of life, respect for the dignity of all people will be demanded and the rejection of the latest laws passed, which directly threaten human life, will be shown".
– Supernatural Association of Deportistas por la Vida y la Familia will hold the II Carrera Solidaria por la Vida, as a sign of the union of the sports world to the defense of human life. This event, previous and complementary, will take place at 10.00 am in Serrano Street, in the form of Urban Mile and with a maximum of 500 participants. 
During these days, the website will be updated with materials of interest: merchandising, posters to promote the March, etc. Anyone who wishes to collaborate as a volunteer can register in the form that appears on the page. And those who can collaborate with a donation are encouraged to do it through Bizum ONG: 00589: Also by transfer to the account ES28 0081 7306 6900 0140 0041, whose owner is the Spanish Federation of Pro-Life Associations, concept: Yes to Life, indicating which person or association is making the payment.

Convening associations

Among the convening associations are ABIMAD, ACdP, ADEVIDA, AEDOS, AESVIDA, Asociación de Bioética de Madrid, Asociación Española de Farmacia social, Asociación Europea de Abogados de Familia, ANDEVI, Asociación Universitaria APEX, AYUVI, Centro Jurídico Tomás Moro, CIDEVIDA, CIVICA, COFAPA, CONCAPA, e-cristians, El Encinar de Mambré, Evangelium Vitae, Familia y Dignidad Humana, Familias para la acogida, FAPACE, Federación Española de Asociaciones Provida, Foro de la Familia, Fundación Educatio Servanda, Fundación Jérome Lejeune, Fundación REDMADRE, Fundación Vida, Fundación Más Futuro, Fundación Villacisneros, Fundación +Vida, HO- Derecho a vivir, Hogares de Santa María, Hogares de Santa María, Lands Care, One of Us, Más Futuro, NEOS, Profesionales por la Ética, Red Misión, RENAFER, , Rescatadores Juan Pablo II, SOS Familia, Spei Mater, Fundación Valores y Sociedad, Voz Postaborto, etcetera.

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