
Tita, Bosco's mother: "The world needs people with Down syndrome".

Bosco is seven years old and the oldest of three siblings. As his nick of Instagram BoscoStarThis smiling little boy with Down syndrome is the star, not only of his family but of many people who follow him and get closer, every day, to the reality of these people and all that they bring to society and to those around them. 

Arsenio Fernández de Mesa-June 17, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes

Juanro (1982) and Tita (1985) were married on July 12, 2015 at the church of St. Christopher, in Comillas (Cantabria). A few weeks later Tita discovered she was pregnant: "We didn't expect it, it was a surprise." In the twelfth week of gestation, their gynecological team informed them that they were expecting a baby with Down syndrome. For both of them it was a shock normal, which has to be passed and lasts only a short time. He explains it to me with a curious example: "There are times when you are waiting for something and your plans change. For example, you pack a suitcase for Paris and suddenly they tell you that you've arrived in French Polynesia and you don't bring a bathing suit, but when you get there you discover that there are places to buy them and guides that tell you where to go.". 

Juanro works in the financial sector as head of a fund management company and Tita is responsible for digital distribution in an insurance company. Both are passionate about sports, especially paddle tennis for Juanro and golf for Tita. They consider themselves, as a good marriage, one fleshenjoy each other's things. 

When they received the news of Bosco's trisomy 21, now seven years old, there was no need to talk: "Life had things in store for us that we never imagined, and Bosco's arrival is the biggest family glue, because having a person with a disability enriches everyone." 

Tita tells me with conviction: "I wish we could give them what they give us, some even without speaking." She is the youngest of three siblings and thanks to everything her parents gave her, she has been able to face what was ahead of her. They have gone through difficult times but they have realized what is truly important in life. 

Bosco arrived when they were newlyweds, with the freshness of youth. They had as much time as possible to devote to him. Three months later he had to undergo heart surgery: "Please, since you have given it to me don't take it away." asked Tita. 

Every day they are more and more aware that Bosco came to brighten their lives: "All the people who know Bosco or are close to him, say that he creates a monkey in them, dependence, they want to see him again, they assure that he makes them better people.". Friends or relatives who are not very "babysitters" want to see Bosco, ask about him or feed him.

Bosco has two little brothers, Alvaro and Jaime. Without saying too many words, but with his special look and his continuous affection, he is giving them a lot.

Their affection attracts: "When he sees you, he rushes over to give you a hug; he has a special gift for knowing when you're sad and gives you a kiss." He always says: "Mommy, I want to help.". Tita gives her orders in the house: to put the breakfast or the pajamas. When he doesn't know how to do something, he is humble and asks her: "What do you want me to do?Mommy, can you help me?" 

His mother comments that "He is a very cheerful child, although he has his character like anyone else, with tantrums and stubbornness, but always with grace". It has made her and her husband better people, it has brought them closer to God, it has made them come out of themselves:"I am more attentive to my surroundings, I take an interest in the people around me, I don't look at my own navel. Bosco makes me see that there is a world beyond, that we have to help others. He teaches me what this life is all about, he puts my feet on the ground. He has helped me to demystify Down syndrome and disability: we have to look with different eyes, we have to make holes in society, because God has sent us here, each one with his or her own mission. We need these children and that's why we have to get rid of our fear of the unknown and become more informed".. Tita encourages those who have children with disabilities to reach out to families who are going through the same thing. She herself asks for a lot of help from the more experienced mothers, the ones who are ahead: "We have to be very close to each other. The people with Down syndrome there are 35,000 in Spain and they don't even fill half the Bernabeu stadium, the world needs them.". 

His Instagram account, BoscoStarhas more than 10,700 followers who are approaching the life of this child, a gift from heaven, from a positive and exciting perspective. Even more: Paloma Anca, a lawyer, has just published the book Bosco, a life in your eyeswhich tells the story of Tita and Juanro's son, with a prologue by Vicente del Bosque.

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