
Don Fabio Attard, Rector Major of the Salesians

The 29th General Chapter of Turin (Italy) has elected as the new Rector Major of the Salesian Congregation the Maltese Salesian Fr. 

Francisco Otamendi-March 25, 2025-Reading time: 2 minutes
Fabio Attard, Rector Major of the Salesians.

Fabio Attard, from Malta, new Rector Major of the Salesian Congregation.

The Salesian priest Fabio Attard, a native of Malta, is the new Rector Major of the Salesians. He thus becomes the 11th successor of Don Bosco, the Turin-born saint who founded the Congregation in 1859. 

Fabio Attard was not in the Chapter Hall because he was not participating in this Chapter. So the President, Stefano Martoglio, called him by telephone to ask for his acceptance. His words were heard in the hall. Emotionally, he thanked the confreres for their confidence. And especially for their trust in God.

Rector Major, successor of Don Bosco

This is the first occasion in which a Rector Major is elected who did not participate in the General Chapter. Therefore, the profession of faith upon accepting the office and the greeting of the capitulars and the Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters) will take place when the new Rector Major arrives in Turin.

According to the Salesian Constitutions, "the Rector Major, superior of the Salesian Society, is the Successor of the Rector General. Don BoscoHe will be the father and the center of unity of the Salesian Family. He will exercise the government and animation of the Congregation for six years, until the next General Chapter.

The former was appointed cardinal by the Pope.

The 227 representatives of the Salesians participating in the Chapter from 135 countries took part in the election.

The former Rector Major of the Salesians, Fr. Angel Fernández Artime, has been the Rector Major since January Pro-Prefecto of the Dicastery for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Cardinal. He has been at the head of the Salesian Congregation for ten years as Rector Major.

Who is the new Rector Major?

Fabio Attard was born on March 23, 1959 in Gozo (Malta). He was professed as a Salesian of Don Bosco on September 9, 1980 in Dublin (Ireland), where he made his novitiate. He was ordained a deacon in Rome (Italy) on July 11, 1986, and was ordained a priest in the same city on July 4 of the following year.

Director of several Salesian works in Malta, he was also director of the Pastoral Formation Institute of the Archdiocese of Malta, which he founded in 2005. Fabio Attard holds a degree in Moral Theology from the Alfonsianum in Rome.

He participated in the 26th General Chapter in 2008 as delegate of the Province of Ireland, and was appointed at that Assembly as General Councilor for Youth Ministry of the Salesian Congregation. He held this position for 12 years, until April 2020. That same year the Rector Major entrusted him with the task of creating the Salesian and Lay Ongoing Formation Project in Europe.

Consultant to the Dicastery for the Laity

In addition, in 2018 Pope Francis appointed him Consultor to the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, whose office he currently holds. Throughout this week the other members of the General Council, the Vicar of Rector Major, the four sector councilors (Formation, Youth Ministry, Social Communication and Missions) will be elected. Also the Bursar and the 9 regional councilors for each of the regions into which the Congregation is divided.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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