Born at the dawn of the year 1000, in the bosom of a modest family dedicated to cattle raising, as a young man he took care of his father's flock, although he soon paid attention to his studies in order to be ordained a priest. He applied to the Monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla, which practiced the Rule of St. Benedict. After a few years of monastic life, he was appointed prior of the Monastery of Santa María de Cañas, which depended on San Millán. Domingo restored it and the church was consecrated.
The monks of San Millán noticed his work and asked him to be their prior. In this assignment, King Don García of Navarra asked him for the church's goods, but Domingo defended the patrimony of the house and the church. This attitude led to his dismissal and confinement in Castile, where he sought the support of King Ferdinand, who appointed him abbot of Silos.
Santo Domingo de Silos reformed this monasteryHe was in dire straits, and built up a great library that enriched culture, and renewed and promoted the spiritual life of the Benedictines and the Church, until his death in 1073.