
Diego Zalbidea: "I hope for a new springtime in the Church".

We interviewed Diego Zalbidea, priest and professor of Canon Patrimonial Law at the University of Navarra. Diego introduces us to a series of articles and interviews with experts on economic issues, which will be published in Omnes under the title 5G Sustainability.

David Fernández Alonso-February 4, 2021-Reading time: 3 minutes
interview Diego Zalbidea

Diego Zalbidea, in addition to being a priest and professor of Canon Patrimonial Law at the University of Navarra, is the author of numerous publications on economic matters of the Church, ecclesiastical patrimony, support of the clergy and economic organization.

The importance of paying special attention to economic matters, both in the business and ecclesiastical spheres, makes it necessary in today's world to continue refining the mechanisms of control and management of ecclesiastical institutions. Diego participated, together with expert in compliance of KPMG Alain Casanovasin the Foro Palabra held last Junewhere the implementation of regulatory compliance programs was analyzed. (compliance) in ecclesiastical entities.

In this interview, Prof. Zalbidea introduces the series of articles and interviews with experts on economic issues, which will be published in Omnes and which can be followed under the name of 5G SustainabilityThe title chosen by the author, and for which we have asked him.

"I love co-responsibilityalthough I am not entirely convinced by the term. I admire the bursars of the Spanish dioceses who do so much with so little. I have learned a lot in the United States from lay people who live the Church as their home".

P- What don't you like about the term co-responsibility? 

R- Responsibility. This way of understanding the participation of all the faithful in the mission of the Church puts the focus on what each one of us does. 

P- And what's the problem with everyone taking their part in that mission? 

R-I am convinced that the focus should be on what we receive: from God, from others, from the Church, from society. 

P- So where is the maturity of the Christian's vocation? 

R- In being grateful. He who learns to receive and allows himself to be "given", is then capable of spreading joy, illusion and dedication wherever he goes. 

P- Isn't this all a bit theoretical? 

R- Not a little bit, totally in my case. That's why I'm a university professor. The stage holds everything. My mission is to sell smoke. That's why I'm going to ask the experts how they do it. It has been proven that it bears fruit, and long-lasting fruit. 

Stewardship is more intended to involve the time and talents of the faithful.

Diego ZalbideaPriest and Professor of Canonical Patrimonial Law

P- A lot of money? 

R- That is the least of it. Stewardship is more intended to involve the time and talent of the faithful. Money only comes when these two fundamental resources are exhausted. 

P- But parishes are in dire need of the money now, right? 

R- Of course, and the faithful are aware and we are seeing acts of true generosity in very difficult situations. There is a lot of sainthood next door. 

P- What is 5G? sustainability 

R-A window for experts to talk to us about what can be done at this time to help the faithful to be grateful, creative and happy. 

P- Why 5G?

R-  What is impressive about this new technology is the reduction in latency time. Data is coming and going very fast and in great quantity. I would like God's gifts to His Church to flow unimpeded.

P- What is going to happen? 

R- As always, the generous will be more generous and the selfish will sink deeper and deeper into their misfortune. Our mission is to make everyone see the gratuitousness of salvation. 

We will abandon complaints, we will become grateful because God is the same as always and we will be creative as Christians have been in every time and place.

Diego ZalbideaPriest and Professor of Canonical Patrimonial Law

P- Do you expect anything from this time? 

R- Yes, a new springtime in the Church. We will abandon complaints, we will become grateful because God is the same as always and we will be creative as Christians have been in every time and place. 

P- Not afraid? 

R- Yes, of missing out on some gift that God is offering me and of not being grateful.

P- A book? 

R- From complaint to gratitude: spirituality in difficult times, by Don Francisco Cerro. 

P- A song? 

R- Si può dare di più. He won San Remo in 1987.  

P- A website? 

R- www.portantos.es

P- A dream? 

R- To be able to help a little bit those who are in the front line of the battle to distribute the gifts that God has prepared for us.

P- A sentence? 

R- One from the prophet Malachi (3:10): Put me thus to the test, says the Lord of the universe, and see how I open the floodgates of heaven and pour out blessing without measure.

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