
Beatriz Ozores. A great popularizer of the Bible on the radio and YouTube.

Beatriz Ozores. Age 54. Married, with three children. Committed to her faith: she never stops. Studied Advertising and Marketing. Sworn translator of English. She has a degree in Religious Sciences from the University of Navarra. 

Arsenio Fernández de Mesa-November 9, 2022-Reading time: 3 minutes
Beatriz Ozores

Beatriz tells me that her husband, Gonzalo, goes every Saturday to the Teresa of Calcutta nuns' house to care for the poorest of the poor. The eldest of her sons, Jaime, 25, entered the seminary in Madrid on September 30. He studied at the Retamar school, finished an engineering degree at the Polytechnic and worked at Toyota. His courtship was looking good, but he suddenly decided to leave everything and dedicate his life to God. Bea, 24, studied at the Aldeafuente school and studied psychology in Navarra. She was studying for the PIR when she decided to give up everything and entered the Hogar de la Madre. She is now a novice. It can be seen that God has taken a great interest in this family. The youngest, Tere, will soon be 19 years old. She is in her second year of law with philosophy in Navarra. Let's see what happens. 

Beatriz felt at one point in her life that God was calling her to study in order to evangelize. In her second year of her career, María Vallejo Nágera asked her to teach Bible classes in San Jorge, her parish: "I had no idea about the Bible, but I talked to my spiritual director and he encouraged me to take the plunge.". Still, he told the pastor that he had no idea about the Bible and that he was not going to teach any classes. He was surprised by his response: "You're perfect!". He arrived on the first day, trembling, with a Power Point. He gave classes for four years in that parish and also in La Moraleja: "There were as many as 200 people in attendance and that made me feel the thirst people had for the word of God".

One day Pilar Sartorius "kidnapped" her and took her to Radio María. They gave her a program and she has been there for ten years now. She explains the Bible. "Above all, it is an experience."he confesses. Study straightforward the Word of God, which he has already done, bores him and dries up his heart, because the Word is alive: "I prepare the programs and go to the Blessed Sacrament with my 700 sheets of paper and 700 markers. I'm already known in the parish as the crazy woman who sits in the first pew and does that.". At Mater Mundi is recording videos on the history of salvation. He has also had a prayer and catechetical group of 60 people in his home. 

In HM, the television of the Home of the Mother, he did a series on Jesus of Nazareth with Javier Paredes, professor of History, following the book of Benedict XVI. Later he did another one on Apocalypse. He tells me amusingly that when he started filming there, his daughter Bea was studying first year psychology and showed up at home in May because she was getting very good grades: "I was horrified because you can't summer since May.". He called the nuns and sent Bea to Ecuador for missions. Her daughter, when she returned, told him that she had loved the experience, but not that she did not want to see those nuns again: "Because they're as radical as you are, Mom."she said. She is now a novice with them. 

Beatriz not only gives conferences in parishes, but also in movements such as Emmaus or Hakuna. She is tucked with her husband in the Project Conjugal Love -this very day we are speaking they are going to conduct a retreat-. They also collaborate in Effetá. He likes the doctrine very much, but if he has an inspiration he checks beforehand that it is not a heresy. Professor Arocena taught him that: "If you discover something that no one else has discovered by now, you're on the wrong track."

He has a thousand anecdotes. I ask him for one. When he finished teaching a class in the parish, a lady approached him. She said to him: "These are the divorce papers and I have come with this friend to accompany me to the lawyer, but first she asked me to accompany her to the Bible class. Listening to this session on Abraham, even though I am a person who practices little faith, I have realized that God does not want me to divorce.". He tore up those papers in front of Beatriz. She started with daily Mass, prayer, Rosary. She became closer to God than ever before.

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