Integral ecology

Euthanasia: the road to self-destruction

A virtual meeting organized by the Centro Académico Romano Foundation addresses the issues arising from the approval in Spain of the euthanasia law.

Maria José Atienza-March 21, 2022-Reading time: < 1 minute

The Foundation Roman Academic Centero, CARF, organizes a virtual reflection meeting on March 24 at 20:30h. in which Benigno Blanco, former president of the Spanish Family Forum, will speak about the social drift that leads to the acceptance of euthanasia as an option, and even a medical "duty", to put an end to human life.

The meeting, which is open to anyone who wishes to attend, will be broadcast online and registration can be made at CARF website.

Last year, Spain passed one of the most permissive laws, contrary to human dignity, in favor of euthanasia. A fact that has given rise to new issues not only in the health field, but also in the social field.

What does a law of this type mean for a society? What can we expect from the future after the approval and implementation of this type of law? Are there reasons for pessimism and despair? Are we on the road to social self-destruction? These are some of the questions that will be addressed in CARF's virtual reflection meeting, with the collaboration of Omnes.

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