Integral ecology

The Time of Creation begins, a call to care for the common home

On September 1, at the initiative of the Pope, the Catholic Church, together with other denominations, will join in the Time of Creation, which will be celebrated in a special way until October 4, the feast of St. Francis.

Maria José Atienza-September 1, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes


Driven by the Laudato si' movement the Time of Creation is presented as a time of grace that all Christian churches, in ecumenical dialogue, offer to humanity so that it may renew its relationship with the Creator and with creation "a celebration that allows all people to recognize ourselves as "the work of the Lord's creative act", to contemplate nature and all that dwells in it, and to care for our Common Home". A time that wants to be a call for reflection for all Christians around the world on the theme "A home for all? Renewing God's Oikos".

An initiative framed within the concern for the future of the planet and the conditions of all its inhabitants, which is one of the pastoral and magisterial lines of Pope Francis and which has given rise to initiatives such as the Laudato si' Platform for Action.

Individuals and communities are called upon to participate and push forward through three avenues:

  • Prayer: Organize an ecumenical prayer meeting that unites all Christians to care for our common home.
  • Sustainability: Leads a cleanup project that helps all creation thrive.
  • Advocacy: Raise your voice for climate justice by participating in or leading an ongoing campaign, such as the fossil fuel divestment movement.

Through you can find the official guide to the celebration of the Time of Creation, a wide range of resources and a form to register events and activities in this regard.

This time of creation looks especially to the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), to be held next November, where countries must announce their plans to meet the goals of the historic Paris climate agreement. In fact, on the occasion of this Conference, Monsignor Bruno-Marie Duffé, Secretary of the Vatican's Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, invited Catholics to sign up to and promote the Healthy Planet, Healthy People" petitionwhich tells world leaders how they should care for God's creation.

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