
"We Christians in Pakistan have hope for a better future."

Abid Saleem, Pakistani, is one of the beneficiaries of the scholarships that Centro Academico Romano foundation manages to promote the formation of priests from all over the world.

Maria José Atienza-January 31, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute

Abid SaleemThe Oblate Missionary of Mary Immaculate is a 41-year-old Pakistani priest who is studying at the Oblate Missionary of Mary Immaculate. Pontifical University of the Holy Crossin Rome.

Since he was a child he wanted to become a priest and, in college, an event marked his life: "I met an Oblate novice who explained to me the charism of the congregation. I signed up for a vocation program. I loved the Oblate spirituality and their motto: "Evangelizing the poor."he says. 

Ordained in 2009, his bishop sent him to different parishes, first as assistant and then as pastor. There he worked with young people and was part of the Catechetical Commission of his diocese. 

Your country needs well-trained Catholic priests. Muslims are 95% of the population and Christians represent 2%, half Catholic and half Protestant. 

"Christians in Pakistan are, for the most part, very poor. Even so, they have made significant contributions to the social development of the country, especially in the establishment of schools and health centers." However, they also suffer discrimination and persecution: targeted violence, kidnappings, forced conversion, and vandalism of homes and churches.. In spite of everything, Christians in Pakistan are hopeful for a better future," he said.r" he says. 

"Now, thanks to the benefactors of CARFMy superior has sent me to Rome for further studies in Liturgy. I would like to be a good missionary".he concludes. 

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