
Cecilia Mora. Sharing God's love

Through her social networks, especially her Instagram profile, Cecilia Mora wants to transmit the love of God and the joy of Christian life.

Juan Carlos Vasconez-April 23rd, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes

Her name is Cecilia Mora, but to her friends she is Ceci. The life and experience of this 26-year-old Mexican woman are marked by a constant search for God and a deep desire to share the love of Christ with those around her. She defines herself as "Catholic, daughter, future wife, friend and companion". Like any young person, she loves "singing and dancing, spending time with friends and family". 

From an early age, Ceci had God very present in her life. Cecilia was introduced to the path of faith by her parents, who passed on to her their love for God and taught her to live according to Christian principles. 

Her childhood and adolescence were permeated by the presence of God, both at home and in her schooling. This solid foundation laid the foundation for her personal relationship with the divine.

A step of maturity

However, when Ceci experienced a transformative encounter with her faith was during a crucial stage in her life: at the age of 18.

At that time she went to live in Paris, and, being far from home, she realized that living without rules "it's very cool." but it implied a greater responsibility for their actions. 

He says that one day while walking near where he lived, he came across a church. He went inside and sat in a pew, watching what was going on. It turned out that a mass was beginning to offer the start of the school year. This transported her directly to her school, when she thought that other people were deciding for her, and at that moment, she herself decided to be closer to God. 

So she volunteered at a girls' school. That was, by her definition, a "here I am, I won't leave you alone" from God. Even if it sounds special, "this was decisive in my faith, because I confirmed that I wanted to be Catholic, my faith went from a family tradition to a personal conviction."she says, convinced.

Sharing faith in networks

The desire to share her experience of faith and to be an instrument of divine love has led her on a path of service and evangelization. 

Through his personal Instagram account, @cecimoraseeks to spread the message of Christ and share his light with those who follow her on social media. For Ceci, digital platforms represent a privileged space to bring the gospel to new audiences and connect with those seeking spiritual answers in the modern world.

In addition to her work online, Ceci finds "inspiration and spiritual strength in prayer, participation in the Eucharist and reading the lives of saints." These moments of encounter with the sacred allow him to renew his faith and continue on his path of spiritual growth.

Cecilia longs for her life to be a witness to Christ's redeeming love. She wishes to be remembered "as one who lived with passion and dedication, always seeking God's will and sharing His love generously." His greatest desire is that his example will inspire others to seek God and find in Him fulfillment and true joy.

Ceci personifies the constant search for the divine presence in daily life and the mission to bring the message of Christ to every corner of the world. In some way she reminds us that faith is a personal and shared journey, a path of encounter with God and with others that invites us to live with authenticity and generosity.

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