Integral ecology

Building in common

The recent beginning of a new academic year presents us with an opportunity to face new challenges, to build together, looking beyond our own ideological, political or pastoral interests.

Jaime Gutiérrez Villanueva-September 30, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
build together

Photo credit: Dylan Gillis / Unsplash

We have started a new course. A time to face new challenges, to plan and organize. A privileged occasion to build together, looking beyond our own ideological, political or pastoral interests. Authentic dialogue, Pope Francis reminds us in the Fratelli TuttiThe ability to respect the other person's point of view while accepting the possibility that he or she may have legitimate convictions or interests. From his identity, the other has something to contribute, and it is desirable that he deepens and exposes his own position so that the debate is even more complete.

It is true that when a person or a group is coherent with what they think, they develop a way of thinking and convictions that in one way or another benefits society. But this only really happens to the extent that it takes place in dialogue and openness to others, developing the ability to understand what the other says and does, even if he or she cannot assume it as his or her own conviction. Differences are creative, they create tension and in the resolution of a tension is the progress of all, working and struggling together.

In this globalized world, the means of communication can help us to feel closer to one another, to perceive a renewed sense of unity in the human family, which can lead us to solidarity and a serious commitment to a more dignified life for all. The Internet can offer greater possibilities for encounter and solidarity among all; and this is a good thing, it is a gift from God. But it is necessary to constantly verify that the present forms of communication effectively guide us to a generous encounter, to a sincere search for the whole truth, to service, to closeness to the least, to the task of building the common good. 

Pope Francis constantly reminds us that life is the art of encounter, even though there is so much disagreement in life. He repeatedly invites us to develop a culture of encounter that goes beyond the dialectics of confrontation. It is a way of life that tends to form that polyhedron that has many facets, many sides, but all forming a unity full of nuances, since the whole is greater than the part.

The polyhedron represents a society or a community where differences coexist, complementing, enriching and illuminating each other, even if this implies discussions and tensions. Because something can be learned from everyone, no one is useless, no one is dispensable. This implies including the peripheries. Those who are in them have another point of view, they see aspects of reality that are not recognized from the centers of power where decisions are made, a new course to grow in the culture of encounter with those who think differently and with whom I am called to build in common. A beautiful pastoral and political challenge.

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