Integral ecology

Bishops see "crucial" favoring of families in the face of spiraling abortion

Spanish bishops encourage to embrace life in the face of the Solemnity of the Incarnation of the Lord on March 25. At the same time, they consider it "crucial to promote public policies that favor families", and to analyze the decline in the birth rate, after noting the spiral of abortion in Spain: 2.5 million since 1985. 

Francisco Otamendi-March 25, 2025-Reading time: 2 minutes
Day for life. Pregnant woman.

The Spanish bishops consider it "crucial" to favor families and to study the decline in the birth rate. And they proclaim their sadness before the spiral of abortion: 2.5 million from 1985 to 2023 in Spain. This is what they have expressed in the message "Embracing life, we build hope" before the Day for Life, which the Church celebrates this March 25, solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord.

– Supernatural Episcopal Subcommission for the Family and the Defense of Life of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE), presided over by the bishop of the Canary Islands, Monsignor José Mazuelos, points out at the beginning of his messageThe Pope's message, made public on March 7, is one of the most important signs of hope in the context of the Jubilee Year called by Pope Francis: "To have a vision of life full of enthusiasm to share with others".

This hopeful vision "has much to do with having found the meaning of one's existence. In the light of revelation, we discover with wonder and gratitude that each person was created out of love and in order to love," they add.

Declining birth rate, abortions

The bishops "note various problems in today's society such as the decline in the birth rate, for which an analysis of the situation is needed to find the possible causes; as well as the increase in the number of abortions: "it is sad to discover that since the approval of the law of abortion, the number of abortions has been increasing," said the bishops. abortion more than 2.5 million voluntary abortions were performed in Spain between 1985 and 2023. In 2023 alone, 103,097 abortions were registered," they report.

In view of these data, the episcopal subcommission reaffirms that "conjugal love between a man and a woman constitutes 'the full expression of the vocation to love according to God's plan' and that children are a hope for the future". 

Protection of families

They also remember young people and ask that "public policies be promoted that not only protect families, but also favor an economic and social environment conducive to young people being able to form families with stability". 

This includes "ensuring decent and stable jobs, a fair wage, adequate housing and incentives to discourage emigration. In addition, they note that it is essential to "promote a culture that values married love as the basis for life".

This Sunday, thousands of people have demonstrated in the Yes to Life March held in Madrid, in defense of life from its beginning at conception to its natural end, as reported by Omnes.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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