
Juan Carlos Montenegro. From the Amazon jungle to the concrete jungle 

A native of Quito, Juan Carlos Montenegro has always been united to the spirit of Don Bosco. Together with the Salesians, he took part in a volunteer project in the jungle that changed his life, and now he works with migrants in the city of Los Angeles.

Juan Carlos Vasconez-September 19, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes
Juan Carlos Montenegro

It is not very common to find people who become the Amazon jungle and then spend years working with immigrants in the "concrete jungle" that make up the big buildings and countless streets of Los Angeles. The story of Juan Carlos Montenegro is one of those exceptions. 

The life of this Quiteño is marked by a deep commitment to faith and service to others. 

With an unwavering passion for helping young people discover their potential Juan Carlos has dedicated himself to being a guide and mentor, inspired by the motto of Don Bosco to form good Christians and honest citizens.

He describes himself as a human being with a clear mission: "To help the young people God puts in your path discover their potential." 

From a young age he was attracted by the vocation of service, which has manifested itself in various initiatives and activities that seek the integral development of youth, now as Executive Director of the Salesian Family Youth Center

Conversion in the jungle

He cultivated his faith from an early age, mainly thanks to his parents and the education he received at the Salesian technical school in his hometown. 

However, his true spiritual conversion occurred during a Salesian volunteer work in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest of Ecuador, among the Achuaras. Members of this Achuar tribe inhabit the Upper Amazon region in a large territory located on both sides of the border between Ecuador and Peru. Currently, there are about 22,000 Achuar between the two countries and most of them are of Catholic religion.

"There really was a substantial growth in faith when I did Salesian volunteering." comments Juan Carlos, underlining the importance of this transformative experience.

Reflect on how your relationship with God has evolved over time.. "I think that path has changed many times, from a relationship of just asking to a relationship of giving and knowing how to receive whatever comes."he explains. 

This evolution has allowed him to understand that God is always present, accompanying us every step of the way, regardless of the circumstances.

Memorable experiences

Juan Carlos' life is full of experiences that have left an indelible mark on his heart, each one related to a face. 

From feeding the homeless at the church in the historic center of Quito, to visiting orphanages in the Amazon, to creating a youth support program in the United States in response to the existential crisis of the children of migrants. 

Perhaps one of his most memorable experiences was witnessing the impact on the lives of the summer camp attendees, with more than 600 children and youth. What stands out most from all of these experiences with the people he has met and helped along the way is "I have been a part of the people he has met and helped.finding God in people"..

It is an example of how a life centered on faith and service can have a profound and lasting impact on the community. It is possible to make a significant difference in the world.

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