
Dating and addictions

Many of the marriage failures of the coming years are being forged in our days, especially because of addictions of all kinds that many times we do not want to face.

José María Contreras-June 27, 2022-Reading time: 3 minutes
addictions courtship

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One of the advances that have taken place lately in the social field is the consideration of equality between men and women. Something that, on the other hand, is obvious, but often the obvious is the most difficult thing to discover and explain.

We must bear in mind that one thing is that they are equal as persons and as subjects of law and another is that a man is equal to a woman. It is not necessary anything more than having a son and a daughter, to realize the difference that exists.

For a couple to work, the man has to be treated as such and the woman as well.

In this last section we realize that women are bearing the brunt, there is a lot of physical and psychological violence against them. Also against men, but this is more psychological than physical. I am not going to talk here about the causes of violence, because this is not the purpose of this article and, probably, I would not know how to do it in sufficient depth.

What I would like to emphasize is the fact that, in recent years, a large segment of young people have been identifying fun with drugs, alcohol and sex. The latter distorted by pornography, by the addiction to it that is causing so much disorder in people. Young and not so young. No one will deny that these habits are having a great influence on couple relationships and on the aggressiveness that occurs in them.

You can be getting to know a person and perhaps not realize how important these lifestyle habits will be in influencing their future behavior.

How many times, in family counseling, someone comes to you saying that they married a person they didn't know was an alcoholic. Because, in fact, they drank theor that the othersl, he took lor that everyone. Come on, I was doing the norm.

What appears as "a way to have fun" as a couple, once married, these behaviors begin to appear as negative and unbearable in the relationship.

It used to be part of the fun, now it's part of life. No one is usually going to tell you, "Hey, your boyfriend, your girlfriend drinks too much, or drinks too much."

It is not politically correct. Apart from the fact that the scales are dislocated. It can be safely said that most young people who drink do so in an amount that is excessive for their health and negative for the future of a relationship.

With a person who is hooked on drugs, of whatever kind, it is impossible to live together normally.

A person with these characteristics can be said to be, in many cases, incapable of loving; it is very difficult, if not impossible, to love the other person.

Let us keep in mind that one of the components of love is will, together with intelligence and feeling. A person without will is a person who is not free to love. The more addicted he is to substances that change his way of being, thinking, behaving as he is, and the more incapable he is of freeing himself from these substances, the more difficult it will be for him to love, and therefore the more difficult it will be to live together.

Many of the marriage failures of the coming years are being forged in our days. Let there be no doubt that many of the causes are related to what we are talking about.

Let's keep in mind that what is said about men can be said about women.

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