Integral ecology

Mutuactivos launches a fund "that takes Catholic doctrine into account".

Mutuactivos, Mutua Madrileña's financial asset management entity, has launched "a sustainable international equity fund" called Mutuafondo Impacto Social FI, "focused on the social aspect and taking into account the doctrine of the Catholic Church," says the fund manager.

Rafael Miner-April 9, 2022-Reading time: 4 minutes

The fund's sustainable objective is focused on investing in companies that "actively seek to improve the well-being and quality of life of people, both through their processes and operations, as well as the goods or services they offer," adds Mutuactivos.

"Because of its socially responsible nature, the fund's policy excludes investment in companies that threaten life or human dignity," it states explicitly. "Thus, investment in companies with exposure to tobacco and armaments, those that violate human rights, companies that demonstrate racial or gender discrimination or encourage usury is excluded." "The vehicle will try to avoid companies that participate in sectors whose activity is contrary to the ideology of the Catholic Church," explains the fund manager.

On the other hand, "managers will analyze particularly closely the sectors classified as having a high climate impact, restricting investment in companies with exposure to fossil fuels, raw materials, toxic waste and those with intensive use of water".

Luis Ussia, CEO of Mutuactivos, assures that "the fund's strategy will be focused on selecting companies that favor the fight against poverty and inequality, the fight against hunger, that promote health, well-being and responsible consumption and that adopt solutions for the protection of human and labor rights".

An equity fund

Mutuafondo Impacto Social FI, which has "a minimum investment of 10 euros", "will invest between 75 and 100 % of its assets in equities [e.g., stocks], mainly from OECD issuers and markets, although it can invest up to 25 % in companies in emerging markets", it has informed these days.

According to Mutuactivos, the fund "joins a still very small group of funds with a sustainable objective in Spain. Its investments will be aligned with the OECD guidelines for multinational companies and the United Nations guiding principles on business and human rights. It meets the strictest investment criteria in this regard," reports Luis Ussia. 

To include an entity in the portfolio, the fund managers "will only consider companies whose management or business generates a direct positive impact on the selected Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), after carrying out a valuation of the same. The fund is advised by Portocolom securities agency, an entity adhered to the United Nations Global Compact and specialized in the design and monitoring of sustainable portfolios that combine traditional financial aspects with sustainability, ESG and impact criteria". ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) criteria refer to environmental, social and corporate governance factors that are taken into account when investing in a company.

Social objectives and points of attention

In this regard, the fund focuses, according to its manager, "on those social goals that are more focused on people, in particular: SDG 1: End Poverty; SDG 2: Zero Hunger; SDG 3: Health and Well-being; SDG 4: Quality Education; SDG 5: Gender Equality; SDG 10: Reducing Inequalities; SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities".

A brief analysis of the information provided by the management company, especially with regard to "avoiding companies whose activity is contrary to the ideology of the Catholic Church", suggests a brief reading of the text of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which can be consulted here. here. In the Health section, ODS33.7 By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programs.

Experts involved in the defense of life have routinely pointed out that the expression "sexual and reproductive health services" in international organizations is often a euphemism for abortion. Pope Francis, in tune with his predecessors, has in his Pontificate defended the dignity of the human person and the right to life of the unborn. The last time in his apostolic trip to Malta last weekend, as you can see in this chronicle of Omnes, with the following words: "I encourage you to continue to defend life from its beginning to its natural end, but also to protect it at all times from being discarded and abandoned. I am thinking especially of the dignity of workers, the elderly and the sick. And the young (...) Let us protect the beauty of life.

Integral ecology

The Pope's mentions of the Millennium Development Goals, educational proposals and the ecological challenge have been frequent in recent years, particularly in academic forums, as you can see in this event in the University Lateran. And as far as the defense of human life is concerned, his doctrine has been clear.

In addition, Professor Emilio Chuvieco has referred to these issues in a paper entitled article published in Omnes, entitled 'Moral of Life'. In this text one can read the following: "These ideas came to my mind while reading the latest book of Pope Francis ("Let's Dream Together: The Road to a Better Future World", 2020). Faced with those who remain suspicious of his position on the ecological question, as if it were a concession to the values of 'cultural progressivism', the Pope once again reminds us that the care of nature (of Creation, in Christian terms) carries with it what he calls 'integral ecology., which includes both care for the environment and, above all, care for human beings".

In any case, it does not seem idle to see that these types of funds, launched by any entity, are fine-tuned in their investments. Mutuactivos has pointed out, as usual, that "there are available to the public for all Mutuactivos funds, a complete informative brochure, the document with the fundamental data for the investor, periodic reports and the latest audited annual report, which can be requested free of charge at the management company's registered office", at or at the National Securities Market Commission (

Mutuactivos recently launched a fund to make donations to 'Caritas with Ukraine', an emergency campaign by Caritas Spain to meet the humanitarian needs of the displaced population.

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