
Three hundred thousand mornings of art and prayer

The art and prayer meetings organized by the Diocese of Burgos to commemorate the VIII Centenary of its Cathedral are a good choice to enjoy the beauty of faith this summer.  

Javier Segura-June 29, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes

The eighth centenary of the construction of the cathedral of Burgos is serving as a motive for a wide deployment of cultural activities at the level of this emblematic cathedral, a World Heritage Site. And also to launch pastoral initiatives that bring this event closer to everyone and serve to ensure that an event of this magnitude is a transmission of Christian life in this third millennium, also in need of art, beauty and prayer to bring light and hope.

In this clearly pastoral line, it is worth mentioning the art and prayer meetings that have been set up by the diocese and in which Christian musicians such as Jesús Vicente Morales (Chito), from Brotes de Olivo, and Migueli Marín, undoubtedly one of the Spanish Catholic singers with the greatest projection, have participated. Precisely Migueli has just published 'Ochocientos', a song dedicated to the Cathedral of Burgos, which is accompanied by a magnificent video-clip, which reveals the beauty of this temple and a message of closeness, in which all the people are involved throughout these three hundred thousand mornings in which this cathedral has accompanied so many pilgrims of life.

This July 20th, this anniversary is celebrated precisely on the date in 1221 when Bishop Mauricio and King Fernando III laid the first stone of that collective dream, that piece of heaven on earth, which would be the Cathedral.

In such a day-to-day culture as ours, it is surprising that a people is capable of embarking on a project that surpasses itself, of which none of its promoters could ever envision its realization. Only something great, something that transcends one's own life, is capable of moving these projects. Something, or rather Someone, that transcends space and time gives meaning to our pilgrimage, moves a people through the deserts of life.

That is the mission of beauty, to help us look beyond, higher, deeper. That is why there is no better way to celebrate this prodigy of art and prayer that is the Cathedral of Burgos, than precisely to contemplate its beauty and prostrate ourselves in prayer.

It is worth a visit this summer to the cathedral of Burgos and, incidentally, enjoy LUX, the new exhibition of faith and culture that are the Ages of Man, which this year celebrates its 25th anniversary, and which also has as its headquarters the cathedral of Burgos.

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